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The gods of Orizon are a potent force within the world, even though they do not often take a direct hand into the goings-on of mortals. The gods typically act through agents or their servants. The pantheon of Orizon’s divinity has a complex structure of personalities underlying it, sometimes they are cooperative, sometimes they oppose each other in devastating politics, other times they come together to perform acts of truly miraculous power.

The religious structure of Orizon is reigned over by six ancient gods, the divine survivors of the breaking, beneath them are other gods, angels and other divine beings, souls that have passed that have been granted power, and fiendish demons and devils locked deep in the pit.

Much like the mortals that worship them, the gods have failings and virtues. They love, they hate, they fight, they can lose themselves in petty bickering. The gods, to prevent their conflicts from becoming world-shattering, often act through mortals, employing influence both subtle and overt to aid their mortal agents, or to stymie their opponents' agents. This is a delicate balance between the gods, one that all members of the pantheon are interested in maintaining, to keep things civil.

Priests in thousands of different sects gain access to divine magic in exchange for their investiture in their church and their gods. They are the primary instruments of the god’s mission in the world, and they are often the only manifestations of divine power that the average mortal ever encounters.