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Olacion Order

A religious order of missionaries and priests under the auspices of their high priest, Kain. The order believes they must tend to the faithful, especially those who live outside the borders of the larger established governments and those who may not otherwise be able to access the assistance of priests, monks, or clerics. There are numerous healers in their ranks, but many also serve as warriors and protectors.

However, these visits and services are not always free, many members abuse the knowledge that their services are rare to insist on exorbitant “donations” from the faithful they visit. Most of these donations go to fund further charitable efforts but a sizable portion of them wind up in the pockets of the order’s leadership.

There are the beginnings of a sea change within the Olacion order, a more spartan leader of the order, Fernando, has rejected the materialism he perceives within the order in favor of charity and service and he has begun raising followers among the order. For now, Kain has been content to let this movement be, waiting to see what the gods decide.

All characters that are members of this organization.