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Capital of Meihts


The Land: 

The capital of Meihts is built atop a verdant landscape teeming with flora and fauna. The Richesse (reeh-shess) river flows underneath the city, dividing the lower city from the upper city and market areas and out into the Panemorfi Sea (pah-neh-mor-fee) This also makes importing and exporting goods extremely easy. 


The City:

The city is divided between the lower city and the upper city and market areas by the Richesse Road, a road which perfectly aligns with the river below.

The lower city houses the residential and recreational areas for the middle class who work the shops in the market areas. While the shop owners and nobles reside in the upper city.

The upper city is where you’ll find the palace of Florian Lichter, a halfling who took control of the city during the Prentosian occupation. He and his people have since pervaded the city with their culture of merriment and acceptance unless it comes to the Prentosians to the south.


The People: 

The population of this city is a majority mix of human and halfling, with the trade bringing in a diverse assortment of other races. The people work and work and work to keep their city prospering. 

The population is a happy population in all manners of meaning, they find joy in day to day life, accepting new people into their city with open arms and taking part in continental holidays at any opportunity. This happiness comes from their feeling of security, this is mostly because of the spy network employed by Florian Lichter, which, while worrying the people with privacy concerns, allows the citizens a blanket of comfortability in their security.

There is only one thing that native citizens of the capital and most of Meihts’ citizens come together in deep-seated resentment of. That is the Prentosians, their neighbors to the south who at one point occupied their lands with oppressive force.


The Government:

The city is ruled by King Florian Lichter, a halfling appointed to the position by a parliament that came together during the Prentosian occupation when Lichter united families together to force the Prentosians out. 

King Florian Lichter keeps an open secret of a spy network that instills fear in his enemies, and a bit of worry in his citizens. It is known that if you commit a wrong, there is a high chance of your acts getting back to the King, especially if you’re just visiting.



Due to the nature of King Lichter’s spy network, there are very few criminal organizations that spring up for long before being thwarted by a sting operation by the king’s forces. 

However, through a combination of nomadic stealth and bribery, the Void Community has kept its oversight of the smuggling and illegal trades in Meihts, which is an import and export powerhouse.


The Capital of Meihts is the largest trade spot in all of Estir, everyone from Oratrova to the citizens of Ixa’taka come to this city to buy and sell goods. The city itself exports expertly crafted and intricate creations. They have a plethora of smiths and tinkerer’s which make up their export of arms, clockwork pieces, and guns, seeing as they are the only country to manufacture guns on a large enough scale and with a high enough quality to export them.




  • Lower City: This area of the city lies on the southern side of the Richesse Road and holds the residential and market areas, the rich and wealthy live on the Road’s Edge while the city becomes relatively poorer as you head south. Most of the businesses in this city also reside in this area, the more magnificent business being closer to the wealthier citizen’s residences.
  • Upper City: This area of the city lies on the northern side of the Richesse River and holds all governmental buildings, the city’s temple, and the king’s manor. The district also houses a small smattering of the most magnificent of business establishments such as fanciful restaurants or jewelry shops. 


Notable Locations: 


  • The Magnificently Magnanimous and Modest Monarch’s Manor: The large manor that King Florian Lichter resides in. It is a large stone manor with a series of mechanical murals on the outside of it depicting the victorious battle against the Prentosians that King Lichter was a proprietor of. Entry is only allowed to government employees and those with an appointment.
  • The Curiously Creative and Culinary Clockwork Handcock: A local tavern/inn that sports automated food and drink delivery, you state your order to one of the several automated chickens walking around the place, they deliver that message and your table number to the automated chicken and they deliver it to the back of the tavern. In the back, multiple halflings work tirelessly at this popular tavern churning out orders and placing them in an automated hand in the kitchen, which leads to a chain of passing until it reaches the hand placed above the correct table, and the order is delivered. The establishment also offers lodging, when a room is paid for a clockwork chicken will guide them to the room and a key will extend from their mouth for the patron. The key works only until their stay is completed, then the locks change and it becomes null. Sentient workers are only seen in the main area to do emergency maintenance. 
  • mInphiNa'S clockwork emporium Of aMazingly iNtricate Items and Armaments (INSOMNIA): Insomnia, as the locals and the owner calls it, is an items shop that specializes in the magnificent and intricate. The best place in all of Estir to buy firearms and other items useful for adventurers looking to buy. The female gnome who runs it, Minphina, is constantly working at something at her desk in the shop. She is eager to show off all of her creations however and loves it when someone is interested in something besides her guns.
  • Garvez’s Generally Good Goods and Medicinal Needs Shop: GGGGMNS is a general goods store that sells all manner of standard adventuring equipment and food. Garvez, the man who owns the store has left the running of it to his handsome young half-elf son named Zolvam. Zolvam’s twin sister, Eva the more intelligent one, has also set up a medicinal goods shop in one half of the store.
  • The People of Meihts’ Conglomeration of Otherworldly Faiths: This establishment is a temple of faith frequently occupied by citizens who come to deliver offerings to their gods or simply pray for guidance. The temple is run by Head Priest of Meihts Ralroy Leafgrain. The building is a large church with many altars dedicated to each of the gods, intended for broad worship and offerings that any citizen of Meihts can involve themselves in.