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Demon of Blood

Borst is a demon of bloodthirst and cravings for violence. He thrives on taking lives and relishes doing it gruesomely and quickly, with as much bloodshed as possible. He enjoys spreading that same bloodlust onto others and will occasionally enchant weapons with the “blessing” of the berserker.

Borst appears as an amalgam of a few different monsters, grotesque and burly with plates and spikes and three different heads upon his body; an orc, a goblin, and a human. Sometimes these heads change, sometimes the body shifts, but that is the most recent deception of the beast.

His primary goal in his actions is in starting wars, ripping the world apart in an orgy of blood. His favorite form of chaos is inciting holy wars. He’ll inflame passions, whip religious sects into frenzies over the slightest difference in interpretations of even the simplest words of the gods.