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Goddess of Aggressive War

Goddess of Aggressive War Chaotic Neutral War Portfolio: War, Tactics, Battle, Weapons Temples: Temples to Agressa are built on top of the sites of grand battles, honoring the soldiers who fought and the generals who commanded them along with Agressa.

The goddess of warriors and commanders, she advocates for tactics and tacticians. Her favored methods are proactive, ones that bring the fight to the enemy and force them into a defensive position. Generals and emperors alike stand among the faithful of Agressa and some have even seen symbols for her worship in the halls of Ruatha.

The primary worshipers of Agressa are soldiers that are serving in foreign fields. Soldiers fighting for a country or cause and mercenaries fighting for coin all hold Agressa in their hearts as they go to war. Some think of the success of her tactics and the inspiration of her leadership. Others think only of victory. She also advocates for her followers to dedicate time to training others so that they may aid in the fight.

Her pushing of aggressive tactics puts her at odds with her brother, Fortison. Her armies bash against his walls, her soldiers storm his defenders. Her other brother, Zaris, often stands at her side but the two also butt heads over philosophy. His idea of bloody glory in combat and the joy of honorable success clashes with her concept of the necessity of war and of tactical soldiers being more important than strong warriors.

Agressa serves as the commander and chief tactician of the heavenly host. They are a coalition of souls of deceased warriors and angels, all empowered by the gods, that stand on the edge of the planar geography on the battlefield. They stand ready to oppose extra-planar entities that attempt to enter Orizon, or fiends that may try to claw their way up to the celestial realm to find a means to free their master.