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The largest city that houses the council.


  • Approximately 21000; mixed races


  • Goreton is governed by the council.

Notable Places:

Artist's Ward

Notable Places:

  • Hayrai's: A large blacksmith's workshop, built within the walls of an old iron tower.

Brightring Village

Notable Places:

  • Council Hall: A large building of timber and brick walls, once an inn house. It contains a large meeting hall and several smaller rooms, and is shared amongst several local merchant guilds. This is where the Council holds their meetings.
  • A statue of rune-carved stone, placed to mark the Battle of Ajmah.

Cathedral District

Notable Places:

  • The Gypsy's Tavern: An elegant commoner's inn.
  • A ruined keep of rough-hewn stone walls, said to be haunted by the shadows of the warriors who failed to defend it.

Charger's Domain

Notable Places:

Crag District

Notable Places:

  • Ad's Pottery: A neglected potter's workshop, built within what was once a titan's tankard.
  • Sohai's Anvil: The workshop of a male Lizardfolk blacksmith named Sohai, who is rumored to have once been a brutal warlord.
  • Ry's Armor and Shields: A modest armorer's workshop, built in the shelter of a fallen titan's bronze shield.

Crystalfair District

Notable Places:

Falls Ward

Notable Places:

  • The Pavilion of Antis: A two-storey timber and brick theatre, within which anything might be an illusion.

Goldenwall Village

Notable Places:

  • Qaiwai's Blades: A cluttered weaponsmith's workshop, built atop an outcrop of volcanic rock.

Hart's Ward

Notable Places:

  • Ha's Viper Ink: The workshop of a male Leonin tatooer named Ha, who is rumored to have acquired a young fire breather to work his shop.
  • The ruins of Bay Tower.

Lamp Village

Notable Places:

Merchant's Domain

Notable Places:

  • The Shrine of Pharika: A stone spire engraved with the holy symbol of Pharika, Goddes of Affliction, said to bestow favor to those who leave an offering.

Chant's Ward

Notable Places:

  • The Armory: A sturdy building of stone walls, a station of of the town guard. It adjoins a small gaol used to detain thieves and scofflaws.
  • The Theatre of Dreams: A two-storey theatre of half-timbered walls, home of a troupe of illusionist-dancers.

Orb District

Notable Places:

  • Ni's Elixirs: The workshop of a male Kenku alchemist named Ni.

Elysium Market

Tavern Market

Cobra's Village

Notable Places:

Whitehill Borough

Notable Places:

  • The Shrine of the Watchers: An impressive colonnaded building, dedicated to a pantheon of gods and goddesses.
  • The Bastille: A magical prison of strong stone walls, guarded by arcane golems. It is said that the guards alone decide how long to hold one condemned, and that none have escaped them.