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The original body of Aerial Diamond, Spadia was reanimated via necromancy through The Reborn One. She follows their bidding and the orders of her subordinates. Spadia is a pantomime and doesn't speak any words. Her movements are enough to captivate those who watch her. However, in a flash she can be gone from sight. 

Spadia is the troupe tightrope walker and acrobatic. She uses her staff in many of her performances alongside Aerial. 

She is known as the biggest trickster. Although she doesn't have anyone under her, she is known for her traps. 

Character Sheet on DnD Beyond

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Shiloh's Construct

• Armor Class: 15

• Speed: 40ft

• Saving Throws: DEX +3, CON +4

• Damage Immunities. poison.

• Condition Immunities. charmed, exhaustion, poisoned.

• Senses. darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14

• Vigilant. The defender can’t be surprised.


• Force-Empowered Rend. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target you can see. Hit: 1d8+2 force damage.

• Repair (3/Day). The magical mechanisms inside the defender restore 2d8+2 hit points to itself or to one construct or object within 5 feet of it.


• Deflect Attack. The defender imposes disadvantage on the attack roll of one creature it can see that is within 5 feet of it, provided the attack roll is against a creature other than the defender.

Hit Points:

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Great beings chosen by the Gods themselves to be champions of the realm. These 5 individuals rose up to the challenge to take on the demons in the Great Demon War. The banded together to take out all of Unknown casting them out of the realm. They took down the Key Demon and thus saved the realm from utter disaster. 

The sages continued to appear at the same site where they defeated the Key Demon and bound him with chains. They called this the resealing ceremony where they would perform a ritual and strengthen the chains that binds the creature. 

However, during one final ritual, the sages disappeared. There was no trace of them left to be found. 

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Eladrin are elves native to the Feywild, a realm of beauty, unpredictable emotion, and boundless magic. An eladrin is associated with one of the four seasons and has coloration reminiscent of that season, which can also affect the eladrin’s mood:

Autumn is the season of peace and goodwill, when summer’s harvest is shared with all.

Winter is the season of contemplation and dolor, when the vibrant energy of the world slumbers.

Spring is the season of cheerfulness and celebration, marked by merriment as winter’s sorrow passes.

Summer is the season of boldness and aggression, a time of unfettered energy.

Some eladrin remain associated with a particular season for their entire lives, whereas other eladrin transform, adopting characteristics of a new season. When finishing a long rest, any eladrin can change their season. An eladrin might choose the season that is present in the world or perhaps the season that most closely matches the eladrin’s current emotional state. For example, an eladrin might shift to autumn if filled with contentment, another eladrin could change to winter if plunged into sorrow, still another might be bursting with joy and become an eladrin of spring, and fury might cause an eladrin to change to summer.

The following tables offer personality suggestions for eladrin of each season. You can roll on the tables or use them as inspiration for characteristics of your own.

d4Autumn Personality Trait
1If someone is in need, you never withhold aid.
2You share what you have, with little regard for your own needs.
3There are no simple meals, only lavish feasts.
4You stock up on fine food and drink. You hate going without such comforts.
d4Autumn Flaw
1You trust others without a second thought.
2You give to others, to the point that you leave yourself without necessary supplies.
3Everyone is your friend, or a potential friend.
4You spend excessively on creature comforts.
d4Winter Personality Trait
1The worst case is the most likely to occur.
2You preserve what you have. Better to be hungry today and have food for tomorrow.
3Life is full of dangers, but you are ready for them.
4A penny spent is a penny lost forever.
d4Winter Flaw
1Everything dies eventually. Why bother building anything that is supposedly meant to last?
2Nothing matters to you, and you allow others to guide your actions.
3Your needs come first. In winter, all must watch out for themselves.
4You speak only to point out the flaws in others’ plans.
d4Spring Personality Trait
1Every day is the greatest day of your life.
2You approach everything with enthusiasm, even the most mundane chores.
3You love music and song. You supply a tune yourself if no one else can.
4You can’t stay still.
d4Spring Flaw
1You overdrink.
2Toil is for drudges. Yours should be a life of leisure.
3A pretty face infatuates you in an instant, but your fancy passes with equal speed.
4Anything worth doing is worth doing again and again.
d4Summer Personality Trait
1You believe that direct confrontation is the best way to solve problems.
2Overwhelming force can accomplish almost anything. The tougher the problem, the more force you apply.
3You stand tall and strong so that others can lean on you.
4You maintain an intimidating front. It’s better to prevent fights with a show of force than to harm others.
d4Summer Flaw
1You are stubborn. Let others change.
2The best option is one that is swift, unexpected, and overwhelming.
3Punch first. Talk later.
4Your fury can carry you through anything.

Ability Score Increase

Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Fey Step

As a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

When you reach 3rd level, your Fey Step gains an additional effect based on your season; if the effect requires a saving throw, the DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier:

Autumn. Immediately after you use your Fey Step, up to two creatures of your choice that you can see within 10 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for 1 minute, or until you or your companions deal any damage to it.

Winter. When you use your Fey Step, one creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of you before you teleport must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn.

Spring. When you use your Fey Step, you can touch one willing creature within 5 feet of you. That creature then teleports instead of you, appearing in an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you.

Summer. Immediately after you use your Fey Step, each creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of you takes fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 damage).

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When you gain this feat, you gain the following benefits:

  • Spells you cast ignore resistance to cold damage. In addition, when you roll damage for a spell you cast that deals cold damage, you can treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2.
  • You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different damage type.
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Within the town Greckas of Marktinla there lives a farmer. Alarus, is a notable farmer within the town renowned for supplying food to the Marktinla army. He confronted the crown about how livestock has mysteriously gone missing, suspected a fox or wolf to be at play. A small group of individuals just starting out within a hunting lodge was sent to the location and proceeded the hunt. However, the group failed to return on time. With no word, your group has been sent to investigate and hunt the creature.

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A heavy mace has a larger head and a longer handle than a normal (light) mace.

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Princess Diana Voxville was being escorted to her exhibition site on Kawit. However the vessel never arrived to the destination and the princess and her teams were deemed as missing. 

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