1. Journals

Elder's Rest pt. 1

Colette's Diary 2021-08-22

After my journey in the Rost place, I returned to the White Lance keep. I went to my room very quickly and I got all my stuff packed in case Max needs to dream me up again I would not be without equipment. Et voila! Water began to pour from the door. And then kept pouring, threatening my bed to be soaked so I tried to sweep it away. Then I was hit by lightning and bounced off the wall into the tempest. This part is not so fun.

I ended up on a boat, je pense, with Maximilian again! As well as a firey girl, a blue girl, and a cat girl. Girl squad! 

Oh no. Not girl squad. They want to beat me up. :(

A blue person came in and threatened us but then asked for our help instead. I do not want to. Everyone has been quite mean this whole time. My excitement to see Maximilian has faded into bitter disappointment and hurt. Bori said they were all wary, but I do not know why! I have not done anything!

I helped to repair the side of the boat - they called it the Polaris? Using my magic. It works differently here, too, even though there are many races I recognize. Or at least similar. Perhaps it is only on Andatir that my magic works normally. Does that mean that it is actually abnormal there? I do not like this thought experiment. 

Suddenly the ship lurched and the blue one flew off the ship into the water. I tried to grab her but she was too far. A rope caught her foot and hung her over the side like an anchor. She made it up and over time we managed to get the ship righted and out of the storm.

The captain, a Cedric Laam, asked if I was a... I do not even know what he said. He thanked us for our help. He said we were north of the Frillian empire? Is this comme Farrion? Kalirama Valadesh - the fire head girl - said her world has lava instead of water. This sounds like I would immediately die.

There are many mentions of a DNM? I do not know what this is but it sounds very important. Max was apparently there with Suzy and Rillia. He had a dream without me in it. Unfair. But apparently this DNM someone died there but ended up here, and the people on this boat are collecting artifacts from it. Something called Kankolion Pyramids. 

The pyramids apparently can control the flow of time or something. Suzy and Rillia seem very much opposed to this. I do not know enough about Quantum Mechanics to have my own opinion on the matter. The captain wants us to grave rob to get more, and said maybe he could help us get back home. This sounds like quite the transgression against Londich (or the equivalent here) just for triangles.

Temple of Silence is where we are going to go. Every seems to keep talking poorly of me hearing the name. I do not know what it was I have done! This is getting very disheartening. Bori keeps telling me they don’t mean it, but it is not very helpful. Borimas has to be nice to me because we are stuck together. Am I unlikeable? Do people hate me? I try to be good and kind...

Ouch. Bori pinched me. 

The others are talking about the possibility that every time a group arrives in a portal (they called it a Shift Event, earlier) maybe others appear in bad places and die. Like in the middle of the ocean, or in a wall! I do not think this makes sense. The two times it has happened to me there seemed to be a will behind it and intention. We are not in a place that is perhaps safe, but not immediately lethal. But I am not an expert.

They convinced the captain to show the artifact and Rillia experimented on it. I just found a bunk to meditate for the night, early. Maybe the sunrise can lift my mood.

For breakfast they made weird fish with fruit on them. Very strange. I do not think I like it much, but appreciate them feeding us regardless! The sun is out and it is a nice day. It will be a good day. I hope. Better than yesterday, at least.

We docked and the crew led us to where they wanted us to go. He pulled out a map and Bori got a look, there were 5 locations marked on it. The Palace of Silence, a tower, and to the south ‘Palace of the Greyings’. That was all he could see from his quick glance.

The Temple of Silence was guarded by Frillians, and we felt it a good idea to not get caught or we might have to fight. It is a very beautiful monument. White walls, glass pyramids. Reminds me a little of Lyhothyr, though the styles are very different. There were two guards at the front of the entryway and it seemed we might need to fight. I want to talk and see if I can get them to leave, instead.

Immédiatement they shot at me with arrows. 

Suzy made one attack the other, Rillia shot a strange beam at them, and Max jumped to climb onto the balcony to attack another guard who showed up. This happened so fast, all at once, I was still only just getting out my scimitar. 

We made short work of them, but tried to keep them alive. One of them is without a leg but Maximilian worked quickly and wrapped the leg with a rope-thing to stop the bleeding. The man is without a leg but living.