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The GMs will love to read any amount of description you want to write, but other players just want a TLDR... This section is for the other players. You can fill in any additional information below! About 50-150 words will do it (no, no one's going to count). Tell us what the character is like, as if you're explaining them to a friend who can only talk for a minute before they have to go. 

Delete this later:

  • Description above doesn't need to be done now, just hit Save and you can come back to it later. 
  • Name = the character's name. 
  • Title = the player's name. 
  • Family = leave blank unless you want to be part of one of one of these families or make your own important family. 
  • Race = choose one by going here: Playable Race
  • Location = where you live.  Leave blank if you're not sure.  The Badger Den: Tenement Building is a good default starting home. 
  • Tags = leave blank. 
  • Type = PC (Hero) or PC (Buddy)
  • Age/Gender/Pronouns = self-explanatory.