Loose threads More mutated beasts means more ritual sites that created them

Participants Akhelios Mildspire, Hakuto, Khirl Galesinger, Neithan

Locations Nested Point

Short summary:

After following on multiple reports of mutated animals in the area of Greyspine Mountains, we decided to follw that lead to investigate the source and rid the area of dangerous creatures.

On the night of the first day, as we were nearing the mountains, in the distance we noticed smoke indicating some unknown third party. As we followed them, we encountered an oversized owl-like beast with multitude of eyes, which we quickly scared off.
The camp we noticed prior turned out to belong to an Elf by the name of Juriel, who seemed to be away from the camp until the end of the night, so we helped ourselves to his supplies and research papers.

Following day we moved into the mountains, where we managed to locate the bird from prior night. Though we first needed to take care of some Shadows, once we entered the nest we managed to befriend it to investigate its lair, finding remnants of a ritual circle.
After that we executed the bird, took its eggs and returned to First Landing.

Full Report

Our group, consisting of Hakuto, Neithan, Akhelios Mildspire and Khirl Galesinger, departed in a late spring morning, tasked with investigating numerous reports from explorer's and scouts alike, about beasts with seemingly unnatural forms, mostly appearing with more eyes than they would normally have and displaying psychic abilities.

First day was uneventful until a very late evening, when the mountains that so far has been on the horizon, grew larger and larger as we walked towards them. Searching for tracks on the way there yielded no interesting results. And as such, Neithan was forced to climb a tree to get a lay of the land around us.
He noticed three notable spots:
- Nearby Shrine to Shelyn, which we decided to ignore in our investigation
- A column of smoke, suggesting preexisting camp
- A river

The smoke proved to be most interesting, so despite approaching night we decided to push on towards it.
On the way there, we were ambushed by a bear, which we were ready to defend ourselves from, but as it turns out, it wasn't running to hunt us.
It was running away from something.
And soon enough, we learned what it was.
A huge, owl-like beast with many eyes covering its skull changed its mark, choosing to hunt us instead of the bear.

Fight was brief, though not without some friendly damage when the attacks were targeted at the beast while it had one of us enveloped in its wings.
After chasing it off, not before trying to fell it with long range magic as a last ditch effort, we continued to the camp.

Camp seemed abandoned, though not for that long, and was skillfully trapped.
Given that we expected no hostile intelligent party in this area, we figured we'd announce ourselves with the traps they set, but when noone answered we helped ourselves to the supplies collected and research papers we found in a stash nearby.

As we learned in the morning, the camp belonged to an elf by the name of Juriel, who said was conducting research for "the Academy". One of his books was a journal written by someone by the name of Lamwen Darr. As we disclosed our objective to this person he seemed disappointed the beast has to die, but relented and claimed they want to stay behind while we go take care of it.
He claimed.

When we reached a spot that seemed most likely to hold our prey, we entered a cavern, within which we found bodies seemingly belonging to Guild's scouts, strange in itself that corpses remained here instead of being recalled.
Inside, as we followed deeper, we encountered a pack of Shadows, rampant undead remains of the greedy souls, which we quickly dispatched.

Deeper still, we finally reached a chamber that we were looking for - with large "window" open to the mountains, we found the nest, and within it, the beast.
Though driven by instinct Hakuto immediately tried magic to distract it, after others pointed out it is a hen protecting its eggs, Hakuto attempted to tame it, using magic to make it understand their calming words while also healing its wounds they themselves inflicted.
While treating its wounds in a more traditional way as well, one of the eggs begun running away from the nest.

As it turns out, our dear Juriel decided to follow us, and using invisibility attempted to steal one of the eggs, which we decided to stop.
After learning the beast can understand him due to magic, he fled the area. We continued to investigate the place, and we found remnants of a ritual circle. It seemed to be arcane in nature, and somehow connected to the changes this beast experienced.
However, as much as it pains me - our mission was to investigate and eliminate the threat these creatures pose to people travelling this area, so after we executed the beast we returned, not before destroying what remained of the runes that created the ritual.