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Agaia Greenteeth

"Mother Agaia", "Rotten Agaia"

Agaia Greenteeth

"Oh Mother Agaia, hear my plea, for in this hour I am in great need. If you grant my favor, but forsake your ire, I entreat you to take from me what it is you desire." -the last prayer of a desperate soul.

Her gnarled, twig ridden hair is grey and long. Her skin pail and wrinkled. She stairs at you with inquisitive, wide black eyes. Tattered rags are her clothing, but she is adorned with a variety of  objects and pouches

Agaia Greenteeth is an ancient green Lar’feui-ag (Hag), known to have wandered the lands of -Somnia. Her lifespan has perhaps extended back as far as the Epoch of Light, though no one knows for sure. The last few centuries she has lived in the Forlorn Marsh of Prim'terra. Communities around her have often been plagued by tragedy, forcing many to be desperate enough to rely on her deals to cope. This rarely benefits the poor unfortunate souls in the end, but yet they continue to come.

She made her home in the Forlorn Marsh of Prim'terra for the last few centuries, but was forced out when Wood Woad destroyed her lair. She has since moved somewhere near The Drift in The Merid Sea.

Mere Trinkets

Agaia stole a "trinket" from a myconid colony back in the Forlorn Marsh. The colony had been wiped out by kruthik so it offered no resistance. That is until Wood Woads, guardian spirits of nature, awoke and followed her back to her lair and destroying it. Agaia killed all but one of the Wood Woads in the battle, but the last slipped away. Later Tia'anka and Smoking Mirror took the Wood Woad back to The Drift, which is where Agaia attempted tp finalize her revenge by infecting it with hagrot.


Agaia hates the ancient sea hag Pestra Marrowspit, for Pestra has stolen her cult she was influencing as well as her hagrot strain which Pestra mutated.

Miss Maya / Maya Gai'oona

The persona and guise of a beautiful female Mori'tani (High Elf)

She uses this to walk among the people of The Drift, and pretend to help. All while furthering her own goals. She claims to be a Wanderer of the Horizon, people dedicated to the deity fharlaghn. She says this is the source of her odd magic.