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  1. Characters


This character is dead.
Manager (Formerly)


"He is my calm, my rock that withstands even my most raging storm." -Ash'lorath Orianna


On most nights in The Drift, patrons of The Calm Before the Storm tavern, will be served by the locations primary manager known typically only as Dune.  He is an elderly mori'accaia with a vast collection of maps adorning his tavern walls.

About average in height and build, his skin a deep green with faint brown dots running down the sides of his neck, body, as well as down his arms. Dune's hair is silver and long, though one cannot tell if the color is from age or simply how it has always been. His eyes are a blue dark enough, they are almost black.

Dune is rarely not dressed in formal attire. While at work, you can usually find him wearing a light blue kelpcloth vest and purple pants. His left ear sports three coral piercing near tip and he has a bright red tattoo of three jellyfish on the inside of his right forearm.

Either at work or elsewhere on the surface level of The Drift you can generally hear him whistling one song or another. He claims whistling this way is one of his favorite things about surface life.

Rumor has it he spent some time traveling with a sorceress, and together they explored many lands far from the shores.

Though his establishment is one of the pricier in the city, it is rarely empty. His tavern is well known for being able to import the highest quality of foreign wines and ales and usually in good quantity too.

Siege during the Ascent of the Halcyon.

The Drift

14th of Rones, 2422 EC

Quest: Tea with the Patron

After the massacre during the Halcyon Days festival, where the Calm Before the Storm was destroyed, Dune was badly hurt in the fire. He was waiting to escape until after he got all of his employees out. This left him week, and in the aftermath told Liadan Thelmallow that should he die, "Spritz" was the last close friend Ash'lorath Orianna would have left. He then fell into a coma for weeks.

During this time, the Queen of the Drift would sing to him and tell him of all that happens rarely leaving his side. Liadan Thelmallow also visited him as much as possible.

Dune's Recovery..

The Drift

1st of Edraru, 2422 EC

Luckily he later made a spontaneous full recovery and awoke as good as new. After The Wayward Crew returned from Stranglevine Island, the adventurers had worried he had died while they were gone, because his bed was empty and the Queen had trashed her office in a rage. It turned out the anger came from "Spritz" informing her that her island safehouse had been destroyed, but with Dune revealing himself as ok it was learned that his awakening and the retrieval of the important artifacts from the island, offset this anger and she regained her composure. This aided in both forgiving the party for falling for Agaia Greenteeth's deception.

While investigating an old smugglers hideout, you learned that Dune's real name is Solen Torethil and that he is, or at least was in a relationship with the Queen. So much so he intended to marry her, though may never have asked as you found the wedding bands in a lock box with a note.