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The Hawk Man

A statue depicting a winged, hawk-headed being resembling an aarakokra, its wings folded tightly against its back and its left arm extended northward, palm up, as if to say "stop." During the Spellplague in the Year of Blue Fire, 1385 DR, the walking statue became animated and rampaged through the city until it just as mysteriously stopped and has remained, unmoving, since. It stands a few degrees askew due to a missing right foot. Its left arm is likewise missing, the pair of them having either been destroyed in its rampage or broken up for building material.

Its inside has long been hollowed out to form a luxury tenement named Sparaunt Tower for its owner. A long bellpull dangles from its outstretched left hand, directly below which sits a tree-lined courtyard. Visitors and residents ring the bell, after which a door guard can lower a rope ladder or chair to allow access to the tunnel hollowed from the statue's left arm and into the tower proper.