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On the 18th of Sigmarzeit you arrive in Weissbruck with the plan of getting supplies for the remainder of the journey to Altdorf. Nothing of note happened since you took 'ownership' of the Helga's Pride and the downtime was spent with Ravenclaw teaching the others how manage the boat. Passing through Bogenhafen, you all kept your heads down, apart from Thrumir, who cursed and gesticulated at the town. Noone seemed to notice this, just as they never noticed that they had been saved from certain doom by our party of adventurers only a few weeks earlier.

After tying up the boat to the wharf in Weissbruck, Mahgnim, Renate, Gerhardt  and Thomas remained on the boat whilst the rest of you made your way down an alleyway to the market. Suddenly a man ran round the corner, barrelling into Thrumir. He was exhausted and bleeding from a head wound. A group of thugs rounded the corner. “Alright Rutger Weiss" said one of them who appears to be the leader of the group. “You’re done running and now we’re going to kill you. Slowly. I am particularly looking forward to this” and ran his hand down his sword blade. Looking you he spat. “You arseholes can piss off and forget you saw anything or we’ll slit your throats an’ all".

Without waiting for any more pleasantries, Ravenclaw drew her deadly bastard sword and charged into the leader. You outclassed the thugs as fighters and soon dispatched them. 

As you dusted yourselves off, Ernest Ebola asked Rutger why the men were after him. Rutger was rather cagey but said he was on his way to La Maisontaal where he hoped to pick up some surveying work which he had seen advertised in a note (Adventurers of Wit). You informed him that this opportunity was no longer current and gave him some background to the events you had experienced just a couple of weeks previously.

Ernest suggested that Rutger should have the head wound looked at by a healer and Thrumir recalled that Elvyra Kleinestun who you met at the Schaffenfest in Bogenhafen lived here and should be able to help.

You got directions, however on arriving at Elvyra's house you noticed a broken window and signs of a struggle inside. The re was no answer at the door and it was locked so you decided to send Ravenclaw back to the boat to get Mahgnim. Mahgnim quickly and expertly picked the lock and on entering the house you found it to be wrecked. Mahgnim noticed that some of the smashed glass in the parlour was flecked with blood.

in the kitchen, Mahgnim heard a noise which he believed came from the cupboard. On investigating more closely, he detected a slight draft of air from behind it, indicating there may be a secret door. On opening the door, he saw a figure disappear into the darkness below. Thrumir went down the stairs first and , thanks to his night vision, managed to negotiate the missing step halfway down. In the cellar he saw a young girl who screamed and dodged past him and up the stairs. Mahgnim also failed to catch the girl though Ravenclaw successfully intercepted her in the kitchen.

After calming the girl, you learned her name was Liza and that she is Elvyra's niece and lived with her in the house. She told you that some men had come to the house the day before yesterday and there had been a lot of shouting. Elvyra warned her to stay away from the Happy Man Inn. Yesterday she had been banished to the cellar for playing with Elvyra's 'pretty powders' and heard a lot of noise in the house and Elvyra scream. Because she was scared, she had stayed hidden in the cellar. Lixa handed over a note (This is your final warning) which seemed to be ordering Elvyra to deliver some goods to a Red barn.

Deciding that you should search for Elvyra, you first took Liza back to your boat to be looked after by Renate and then headed to the Happy Man inn.

You ordered drinks at the bar and asked the landlord if he'd seen Elvyra recently and the landlord replied that she hadn't been in for a while. Ernest enquired about any out of town visitors and the landlord said there were 4 men in town who had just checked out of the inn and were waiting to get a boat back to Altdorf. He said they had a wheel barrow and a trunk.

As you drank your ale and pondered your next step, the aged potman of the inn suggested he might have some more information about the men. He told you that the men had left the village with their wheelbarrow and drunk heading north towards the canal. He said that there was a red barn about 100 yards on the other side of the Weissbruck Canal.

You set out immediately and quickly found the barn. Mahgnim scouted the barn and was able to see that on the ground level by the door was a man sleeping against an old horse cart. The barn door was jammed shut with a pitchfork. 

Mahgnim and Ernest decided to try accessing the barn via the hayloft door. Ernest gave Mahgnim a boost into the barn where he was surprised to see 3 armed men and a tied up woman. He quickly recovered his wits, sending a throwing knife at the nearest man which scraped across his side.

The man charged Mahgnim as Ernest climbed his way into the barn. At the front door, Thrumir was able to force the door open and could see a man fleeing to the back of the barn. Ravenclaw gave chase, striking the man an the head with her bastard sword before he fled up the ladder to the hayloft.

Up in the hayloft a standoff had emerged as the thug holding Elvyra played for time as he slowly made his way towards the hayloft door. When he was close enough, he threw Elvyra out and jumped down himself. The 2 remaining men fought Mahgnim and Ernest but were overpowered and killed when Thrumir and Rutger joined the attack. Ravenclaw leapt down from the hayloft and chased after the two men who were bundling Elvyra towards the woods.

Eventually Mahgnim and Ravenclaw caught up with them and Ravenclaw slew the last man, spilling his guts across the ground.

Elvyra told you that she someone had asked her to provide some ingredients but she had refused as she believed they would be used for nefarious purposes. She said that the men who took her referred to the man who hired them as 'that student' but she believed he was working for someone else, maybe a woman.

You reunited Elvyra with Liza back at the boat and then Elvyra treated Ravenclaw and Rutger's wounds. 

You finished the day with a meal at the Black Gold Inn on the wharfside before returning to the boat for the night.

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Following the fight on the boat, Ernest Ebolaand Thrumir Bhakdramdiscuss what to do with the corpses that lie on the wharf. They decide what the easiest way to solve the situation is to throw them off the far side of the boat and let them be carried off by the river.

When daylight comes Josef Quartjin is keen to set off on the  four day journey to Bogenhafen. The party pretty much keeps themselves to themselves and remain on the Berebeli, only going to ashore to one of the inns they stop near where Ernest asks if the landlord is familiar with the name Kastor Lieberung The landlord has never heard of him.. 

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A weapon taken by Mahgnim Rib from the wreckage of a coach which had been ambushed by mutants. Whilst unaware of how the weapon functioned it was a prized possession. Mahgnim was most put out when the item was confiscated by the city guard at the North Gate of Altdorf as carrying of blunderbusses in the city is prohibited. He was given a Reciept for blunderbuss which he carried for a long time.

Mahgnim never collected the blunderbuss and eventually sold it on Konistag 28th Sigmarzeit to a weapons dealer in Altdorf. He was happy with the price as he was broke.

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