The rocky region known as the Stonelands surrounds the ruins of a vast hobgoblin metropolis. Cazhaak Draal’s streets are filled with what appear to be the weathered statues of goblins—actually the remains of Dhakaani that were petrified by the magic of the daelkyr. Though the daelkyr overran the ancient city, it remains remarkably well preserved.

In 778 YK, a contingent of medusas emerged from beneath Cazhaak Draal with battle-trained basilisks and gargoyles. They laid claim to a corner of the ruins, though the scale of the place means that they have never occupied more than a fraction of it. The lore of the Kech Volaar (see page 112) suggests that great treasures are hidden within Cazhaak Draal, some of which the medusas have likely found. However, the settlement connects directly to the upper reaches of Khyber, and things lurk in the darkness here that even the medusas fear. Cazhaak Draal is the seat of the warlord Sheshka and home to most of the medusas of Droaam that are not dispatched to work with the hags.