1. Characters

Aurala ir'Wynarn

NPC (Politician)

For her part, Queen Aurala (NG female human aristocrat 8) has her eyes fixed on the vacant Galifar throne. She believes that the last century has proved that war won’t gain Galifar’s throne for anyone. But diplomacy, subterfuge, and more focused battles might succeed where the free-for-all that was the Last War failed. She encourages the ambitions of Darro ir'Lain and Adal ir'Wynarn, but she’s determined that Aundair won’t make any moves unless they fit into Aurala’s strategies and intrigues.

Getting PCs Involved

Queen Aurala directly controls Aundair’s spy network, the Royal Eyes. The Eyes are Queen Aurala’s favorite tool; she sends her agents on missions of espionage and sabotage abroad and to spy on and deal with her rivals within Aundair’s borders.

Queen Aurala definitely wants to keep an eye on Adal and Darro. Anyone working for her First Warlord or the Knights Arcane commander might get a quiet visit from the Royal Eyes. In such cases, the Royal Eyes either interrogate and arrest the PCs or recruit them as double agents.

A character who succeeds on a DC 20 Knowledge (nobility and royalty) check knows about Queen Aurala’s close connection to the Royal Eyes. Furthermore, such a character knows the bureaucratic process necessary to set up a meeting with Spy Master Batrax of the Royal Eyes, a confi dant of the queen.


The Queen of Aundair, Aurala ir’Wynarn, is known for her eloquence. In fact, her enemies sometimes claim that she talked her way out of the Last War. When Aurala was younger, her suitors considered her attractive and charismatic, but they never realized how cautious and clever she was in playing them against each other—a talent she has cultivated ever since. (Her supporters attest she finally married for love, but some suspect her marriage to a noble from House Vadalis was really a political move.)

While Aurala willingly relinquishes some measure of power to lesser nobles in order to keep the wheels of government turning, she excels at asserting her authority at every opportunity. With fl owery words and a powerful presence, she rallies her most stalwart supporters with confi dence and ease.

Aurala powerfully and loudly proclaims the need to maintain the hard-fought peace, while secretly planning for the next stage of the war. Although she has put on a public show of backing away from confl ict, including withdrawing troops from the western border, she has given a handful of her nobles the authority to muster and maintain “small” defense forces that she can call upon whenever the nation is threatened.

Her nation, her people, her family; Aurala uses these assets to lay the foundation to ultimately claim her heart’s desire—the throne of Galifar. No matter her words or deeds, no matter the show she puts on for the public, everything that Aurala does leads her one step closer to the crown and throne of her ancestors. She has no intention of letting a lasting peace stand in the way of her ultimate goal.

How she met Sasik

Sasik was working at a shelter caring for injured Dragonhawks. Aurala attended an event raising money for the shelter, and there was a hilarious mixup where she was in the shelter and Sasik thought she was one of the stablehands. Feathers were ruffled, but it ended with love.

Source: Keith Tweet