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Archiebald, son of Deion, son of Throll Born as a warrior in a small tribe of winter-touched Humans in the frozen mountains of the Old World. He was raised to become a hunter for the tribe, following in his father's footsteps. One day after his mistake caused a fellow hunter to die he was stripped of his roles and forced to become a simple guard. This shame brought upon his family caused him to be shunned, with him eventually leaving on a pilgrimage to the first world to discover himself and the reasons for his strength.

Shortly after his debacle with the ants, he returned home to find his village frozen by something, his spirit instincts picking up the traces of something evil. He swears revenge and now seeks to ensure his lord is freed and the weaklings of the world are purged.

During his recent adventures, he has picked up many new titles and scars, losing an eye to a beast he refuses to name to anyone who asks. Ne has burn scars on his right arm, alongside multiple scars from bites, claws, and arrows on the rest of his body. 

As the enforcer of the so-called 'family,' he bears an odd tattoo on his right arm that glows an ominous green, with a new relic: A crafted necklace fashioned from a of Remhoraz's fangs with the string appearing to be made of frozen globules of it's green blood.

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TheNinjaPhilosopher 53 minutes ago
TheNinjaPhilosopher 20 hours ago
TheNinjaPhilosopher 3 days ago
TheNinjaPhilosopher 3 days ago
TheNinjaPhilosopher 3 days ago
TheNinjaPhilosopher 3 days ago
Gray Scale 4 days ago
Boomcrash 1 week ago
Boomcrash 1 week ago
Boomcrash 1 week ago



The leader of the group of scouts encountered during Hey, That Reminds Me of an Idea..., Ralnor was killed by the False Hydra and later brought back by a mysterious benefactor. Likes whittling.

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An ancient Dwarven road, mile markers count down to the Dwarven Outpost but the other end is unknown.  Follows a long circuitous route through the Greyspine Mountains and east of First Landing.  Avoids steep grades.  Includes a shortcut allowing two days travel to and from First Landing.

Bridge to Nowhere: Part 1

Bridge to Nowhere: Part 2

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