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The caster draws back a magical bow the size of themselves and unleashes an arrow of magical force that streaks towards the target with a purple glow. The caster chooses to either cast this spell as a projectile or line spell. If the caster chooses projectile as the spell type, they choose a single character within Range 60. The projectile spell deals 6d6 piercing damage plus 2d6 Casting Damage through Warding instead of Armour and Knockback 5 plus casting modifier. If the caster chooses line as the spell type, they choose a single square within Range 20 to launch the line. The line pierces through all characters and cover dealing 2d6 piercing damage plus 2d6 Casting Damage through Warding instead of Armour to every character and object in the line. If the spell is a line type spell, anyone hit by it must roll a reflex saving throw of difficulty 15 plus casting modifier to change it to a Grazing Hit.


Spell Levels
Wizard/Sorcerer 5th
Action Cost
4 Action
Saving Throw