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  1. Quests

Mirror mirror

Guild Mission

The party met a drow priestess who introduced herself, they then went on a long trip towards the cathedral where the undead were. During the trip the priestess made herself very distant but not to suspicious. After an attack of gnolls,the gnolls were quite powerful and gave the party a run for their money but eventually they were victorious. After the battle, in which the priestess was absent, Denali tried reading her mind, only to be met with a cacaphony of words in a language he doesn't understand. He gave this information to Nacyr and Tson. The rest of the trip was uneventful until they came to the cathedral. Tson climbed up and scouted ahead, finding nothing but normal spiders and an old abandoned cathedral. The Priestess refused to answer any concrete questions, avoiding or dodging them and Nacry, fully suspicious, pulled her away...Only to be hit by a Dominate Person. The party regrouped with the dominated Nacyr and walked into the cathedral to talk. After the chat they went back to the priestess and Loric used his divine sense, finding out that the priestess was in fact a fiend. He blurted out the fact and a battle began. The dominated Nacyr did some good damage to the party whilst the Yochlol fended for itself but they slayed the fiend quickly enough. After some conversation they decided to head back to Lerwick, vowing to return to cleanse the cathedral.


@zRaptor as K'Throll

@Wild as Tson

@Anime Aiko as Nacyr

@Loric | William as Loric

@Sushi-roll Server Mum as Zophiel

@Denali | Sonya | Nashta | Seiva as Denali