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House Zelvass was an elven family of royal blood that ruled over the nation of Sanaris many ages ago. Until their downfall, the family was well-respected and loved by their people, known for their ability to fiercely protect their borders and their love of growth and industry. Under the rule of the Zelvass family, Sanaris transformed from a simple coalition of scattered elven kingdoms to a tightly bound nation of progress and ingenuity rarely found among elven societies.

The family met its end when an avatar of Fectovarano himself led a religious conquest of the kingdom, converting most of its citizenry to his worship and ostracizing the royal family, who were eventually slaughtered in the revolt. The souls of the family were secreted away by loyalists to the Tomb of Zelvass.

In Iron 951, a distant descendent of the Zelvass family, Seamus McHammerface, claimed his birthright and overthrew the Sanarian government, establishing a new monarchy in the kingdom. While his rule was aided by the power of his blood, he chose to keep his original family name, changing the royal family to McHammerface.