Note the continent of Mythras and the city of Valoria is a freely available setting provided for download by Dwarven Forge

The PC’s are based out of Valoria, the principal human city and kingdom of the western coast. Valoria lies on the shore of the Golden Lake, approximately 50 miles from the sea, but connected to it via a navigable underground river. So despite being located inland Valoria is a major coastal port. North and east of the city and lake lie the Valorian Plains, broad rich farmland studded with small towns. They stretch for a few hundred leagues until they reach the foothills of the Erinthor mountains. These plains are the breadbasket for this part of the world and the heartland of the kingdom.

Valoria is built on the site of a far more ancient city, called Valor, that prospered in ancient times but was wiped out more than three millennia ago. The old city was destroyed in a great earthquake, overwhelmed with floodwaters, and much of it collapsed into the lake that the flood left behind. Valor’s ruins can still be seen here and there beneath the waves. But some of the ancient city’s foundations remain on land, along with the remnants of its sewers, catacombs, and subterranean temples, and it was upon these fragments of antiquity that the new city was built.