The oldest inhabitant of the Tents of Rushemé, Gaulronak is a wizened, elderly giant who scours the nearby jungle for rare herbs and fruit. He sells his gleanings to herbalists and cooks from a tent near the city gates, and he also serves as the primary liaison between the Storm Lords and the giants of Rushemé. Gaulronak has come to understand the people of Stormreach, and the giants respect his age and wisdom.

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In the distant past, Xen’drik was home to the civilizations of the giants. Now it is a place of mysteries and ruins. The giants were destroyed by the dragons of Argonnessen, and the epic magics unleashed in that battle warped the land. Space and time are unreliable in Xen’drik. But it is a land that holds untold treasures, and the richest source of rare Siberys dragonshards. In addition to savage giants, Xen’drik is home to the enigmatic drow and many other races and creatures never seen in Khorvaire.

The port city of Stormreach serves as the gateway to Xen'drik. It's proven difficult to maintain colonies within Xen’drik, though the end of the Last War has created a new interest in exploration.

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