1. Characters

Owen McCoy

Brelish Politician
NPC (Politician)

Owen McCoy is the speaker of the lower chamber. Short but stout, his frizzy hair isn't as bright of a red as it used to be. A strong royalist, he is Boranel’s greatest ally in parliament and has been instrumental in passing much of Boranel’s agenda. He rallied support in parliament for both ratifying the Treaty of Thronehold and its promotion of rights for warforged. However, he did break with Boranel on one major issue - the creation of New Cyre. For Owen, Breland is for the Brelish people. Warforged who fought for Breland have earned their citizenship, but the large masses of Cyran refugees did not. Unable to convince Boranel otherwise, he was at least capable of ensuring that New Cyre was founded on land absolutely nobody else wanted near the Darguun border