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The Jealous Bat Balayang sought to have a descendant of his own to help usurp all power over creation. During the night, he stole Eingana's tail, planted it in the soil, and came on it a number of times. After many years a maiden whom he named Birrangulu emerged, but instead of jealous and resentful as her father, she was consumed by guilt and depression. Her tears innundated the Earth, forming its oceans, and drowning everything within them. Eingana pitied her, and once more asked Barraiya to help, thus he married Birrangulu and had billions of children, populating the seas. To have bountful children filled her heart, stopping the endless flow of tears.

Aboriginals believe that sea creatures are closer to the gods than land creatures are, inspiring them to dominate sailing and fishery. She is the patron of fishermen and sailors.