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In GURPS, there are lots of spells available, and the magic mechanics can get a little wordy.  As much as we're trying to have all the information you ever need to play contained in Kanka, that won't be the case for magic users. Anyone wanting to play a game will need to be able to open the PDFs, and we'll add spells to Kanka as we go.

In summary, there are four types of magic users in this world:

  • Mages: (see Magery 1+) learn magic by learning the power in special arcane words and special symbols, which they can mark onto a surface or in the air using an implement (see Symbol Drawing).  Mages can learn almost any spell if they study hard enough. 
  • Sorcerers: (see Sorcery) magic is innate to them, and further study is just learning to hone that innate ability.  They are very good at a narrow set of spells. 
  • Clerics: (see Power Investiture) granted use of certain spells by a deity that they are devoted to. 
  • Faeries:  (see Glamour) magic is not permanent. 
Here are some common terms relating to magic.

  • abort: To stop the casting of a spell before its completion.
  • backfire: A critical failure when casting a spell.
  • base skill: Your unmodified skill with a spell; compare with effective skill.
  • basic spell: A spell with no other spells as prerequisites.
  • cancel: To end a spell before it would normally expire.
  • caster: The person casting a spell.
  • class: A group of spells that use the same special rules. Two examples appear in this glossary: melee spells, Missile spells and Resisted spells.
  • college: A group of spells that deal with the same subject – fire, healing, etc.
  • effective skill: Your base skill, plus any modifiers (usually penalties) for range, circumstances, etc. A caster rolls against effective skill.
  • enchantment spell: A spell for creating permanent magic items. See Chapter 2.
  • energy: The “cost” to cast a spell. You may pay this in either FP or HP. Some game worlds offer alternative energy sources.
  • grimoire: The list of spells you know (more generally, any book of spells).
  • mage: Anyone with the Magery advantage.
  • Magery: The advantage of being “in tune” with magic; see pp. B66-67.
  • maintain: To continue a spell after it would normally end. This costs more energy, unless you have high skill.
  • mana: The ambient magical energy manipulated by spells. Different areas (or worlds) have different levels of mana; see Mana (p. 6).
  • melee spell: A spell that “charges” your hand or a magic staff with harmful energies that affect the first target you strike.
  • missile spell: A spell that summons a magical projectile that you must “throw” at the subject.
  • prerequisite: A requirement for learning a spell.
  • resisted spell: Any spell that must overcome the “power” of its subject before it works.
  • sapient: Racial IQ 6 or higher.
  • spell: A skill that produces a specific magical effect when used successfully.
  • subject: The person, place, or thing on which a spell is cast.
  • wizard: Any user of magic, whether he is a mage or not.