

The Fall of the Kingdom of Mankind occurred in the 890th year of the Second Age. Due to the ascendancy of the Abyssal Cult under King Canoron, a legion of Angels led by Beld, Zot, and Woon descended onto the city of K'deshti (at this point the only territory controlled by the Deshenite Kingdom) and burned the city. In the Royal Palace, Canoron was killed in single combat by Jeshorath the Avenger, an angel of Beld. After annihilating the city, the Gods raised it into the sky, where it remains today.

Sometime shortly after the Fall of the Kingdom, the lost prince Unknown returned to the city and became its steward, guarding the dark artifacts created by Canoron's profanities and the Tomb of Deshen.

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briefcoolman22 5 months ago
briefcoolman22 9 months ago
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