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Gidget was born and raised in The Sylvan Glade. She belonged to The Dandelion Herd. Gidget was born smaller than the other children. Small for a centaur anyway. She was stockier and was not as graceful as the others. She struggled to fit in with her high strung and boisterous nature. She preferred to rough house and didn’t take teasing well, being perfectly willing to kick the other kids in the knees if they wanted to be rude. 

Her parents decided to try and put all of that strength and energy to good use. What Gidget lacked in speed and grace, she made up for in power. So she was slated to become one of the herd’s many protectors. Gidget, happy to have a greater purpose, took on the role with enthusiasm. The role was mostly male appointed but some females proved themselves to be capable. Gidget was questioned because of her smaller size but after taking on one of the resident large lizards in the area, wherein she was the victor, she was allowed in the ranks. 

Gidget grew from awkward child to a confident and powerful fighter and was made official. She was a rookie protector. She served her herd well, making friends out of childhood enemies. She still had a rough exterior that some found hard to be around but Gidget, like all the other guardians, loved her herd and protected it with her life. 

Things went down hill for her though, when the outsiders came. She was about a year and half into her position when they were attacked. She did her duty and fought with the other protectors to make sure the others got away, but when it was time to run themselves, she fell behind to hold off the intruders to buy the herd more time. She was quickly overwhelmed and captured.

DM Questions

What is your character's main goal in life? Prove to her herd that she has worth and to make her family proud

What does your character fear most? Disappointing Farhan. Her herd being wiped out. Going back to the labs.

What does your character believe to be their strongest attribute? Her physical strength and sense of duty.

What does your character believe would be their weakest attribute? Her short temper and lack of social graces.

What is their favorite memory? Playing with her mother in secret when she was little. It was the time she felt the most loved by her family.

The Story

Gidget and Gaius heard about a potential job opportunity within Noctilis. They were hired on by Diana Voxville as an escort to Kawit for an expedition. Diana was in awe of Gidget's coat upon first meeting her and ensure that she would do whatever it takes to accommodate any unique need Gidget may have. Gidget assured her that everything was going to be fine, but Diana was persistent. Eventually talking some sense into Diana, the newly hired team were able to get to know one another. 

The proceeded to head out the following morning where Gidget was stopped by Adalric Norman, Diana's butler. He warned her that he would be keeping a watchful eye of them and he would let out his wrath should anything happen to the princess. Gidget assured him that everything was going to be fine and the group head out. 

Gidget shared with everyone as they travelled of The Dandelion Herd. Something she was a part of back in The Sylvan Glade

Things were going well until they were under attack by bandits. Gidget suffered a barrage of blows from the attack prompting Diana to come to her aid. Seeing how the princess herself was injured, she called out to Reno to assist her and give her a potion. When the fight came to an end they were left with one survivor that Gaius interrogated. After the interrogation, she and Gaius tied the hostage to one of the horses when she noticed that Diana still hadn't drank the health poition she instructed Reno to give her. Diana assured that she was going to be fine. It was a moment like pulling teeth before Diana revealed that she needed to collect her blood to create her unique health potions. Believing that she was able to take care of herself the group pressed on for Myzopodis.

After turning in their hostage and making their way to the docks, Diana excused herself from the group so that she can speak with the captain. She said that they were free to roam the city or to check out the ship they would be sailing on. At this point Gidget shared her distaste for sailing. She claimed that sailing wasn't something she liked doing nor wanted to do to begin with. It would be hard to get her onto the ship. During this conversation, Ryver came out of nowhere and began to touch Gidget all over her. She wasn't comfortable with the idea and was even a little spooked. She grabbed Ryver by the wrist and gave him a warning that she would beat the pulp out of him if he kept it up. He did so by feeling her muscles but in her head he could hear his voice. He asked her what she was and he shared that he was a fish person. He grabbed her hand and proceeded to guide her to the ship. She was reluctant at first, but with everyone with her they all got on to the Mad Hatter. 

Ryver welcomed them aboard where they would meet Deino Jormun, Natsuru, and Temple. Temple asked if the group had any dietary restrictions after showing off his centipedes. Gidget explained that she was a pescatarian but dabbled in chicken every now and then. This sparked Ryver to react and show more of his fish like features. She immediately tried to make the situation better but Temple stepped in to essentially tell Ryver to chill. 

Diana returned moments later to inform the group that they were to work as part of the agreement. She shared that she was uneasy about sailing on the ocean sharing the same fear as Gidget. Gaius assured that they had nothing to worry about because they all had each other to rely on. Diana also shared that there was a potential risk that they would be attacked. Moments before arriving to the port city, The Aces were attacked. The cause was due to the presences of an individual who know resides with the crew. During the conversation, Ryver came out of no where once again with the same type behavior as earlier put onto Diana. He grabbed her by the arm and guided them all into town. 

They made their way to The Cursed Blade where Diana proceeded to review some documents and asked if anyone had any familiarity with royal introductions. It appeared that everyone, Gidget included, had some type of experience. She shared that her experience came from the Dandelion Herd. Although small, it was still enough for her. 

They all returned to the ship and turned in for the night. However, they were abruptly woken up by the loud voice of Ryver in their heads. They each were handed something to work with as they all set sail. It wasn't long before the peace was broken by an attack of sirens and killer whales. With the battle coming to the end, there was still a strange behavior coming from Ryver. Before she knew it, the entire ship was taken over by Ryver and others. She along with a few others were separated from others and brought to the Badlands.


  • Gidget isn't illiterate but reading can be a little hard for her.
  • She has a fear of being on a boat out in the open waters.