Welcome to the Vigilants. You are one of the thousands of people living in the imperial capital of Sentra, the jewel of the Empire

For some of you, this is home—a comfortable and familiar place you've known your entire life.  For others, the city may only be a brief stop, perhaps one of many in your travels.  But regardless of how you came here, you share the same streets.

Depending on who you are—and where you live—Sentra can be a beautiful city of wonder and splendor. Yet that perfect city is only what many people see on the surface.  There are those that understand there is more to the city, that there are flaws in it that run deeper than what most will see.  There are those that know what lies beneath.

The Story

Niman was a student studying theoretical thaumaturgy at Pallida University. Originally from Seidland, he was granted a scholarship granted by one of the foundations of House Fournius. He has no family in the city.

He died from an acute case of Arcstone poisoning, which should not have been possible given his circumstances. An autopsy revealed that his internal anatomy was mirrored.

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Renatus is home to the School of Arcane Theory and Application at Pallida University.

Faculty offices, study rooms, and collaboration spaces are on the third floor. The second and first floor are classrooms, with one larger auditorium-style lecture hall on the first floor. The basement houses the workshops and laboratories. There is a service/freight levitator connecting the floors, as well as a staircase near the center of the building.

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Part of the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Imports serves as a cornerstone in the economic infrastructure of the Empire, tasked with overseeing and regulating all goods entering the empire. Its mandate encompasses a broad spectrum of responsibilities, from enforcing trade policies and tariffs to ensuring the compliance of imported goods with safety and quality standards. The Ministry plays a critical role in facilitating trade agreements, working closely with foreign entities to secure favorable terms that bolster the Empire's economic prosperity. Within its purview also lies the crucial task of monitoring and managing the importation of strategic resources, such as the highly coveted Arcstones, ensuring these vital materials are allocated efficiently and responsibly to serve the Empire's interests.

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The City

Read about life in the city and the neighborhoods and people that live in them:  City Life

Random Spotlights

The Spirit World is similar to the mundane, mortal world. Where a great mountain stands on the mortal world, the same mountain stands in the Spirit World—but in the Spirit World, the mountain is taller and grander, for the Spirit World is home to the great spirit of that mountain. Places on the mortal world that exhibit some evil spiritual influence—graveyards and haunted inns, for example—are sinkholes of evil in the Spirit World, the land itself dark and deadly. Conversely, hallowed areas on the mortal world are green and fair in the Spirit World.

Living creatures and their constructions, from beaver dams to palaces, do not necessarily have direct analogs in the Spirit World. However, where a citadel stands in the mortal world, a similar citadel (though grander and stronger) may stand in the Spirit World, occupied by the revered ancestor spirits of the ruler of the mortal world citadel.

Most of the Spirit World is the domain of nature and elemental spirits that are closely tied to locations on the mortal world. Most of these spirits are bound to a specific location—a mountain, a spring, a single tree—that exists in both the mortal world and the Spirit World. Other spirits may wander the Spirit World more freely, either at the behest of more powerful spirits or by their own choice.

Time does not pass in the Spirit World as it does in the mortal world. For all intents and purposes, the Spirit World is timeless: Creatures there do not age, hunger, or thirst. Days and nights pass within the Spirit World as they do in the mortal world. However, the nights are ebony black and set with brilliant stars, while the days are dominated by great clouds arching across a vault of purest blue.

Shamans serve as intermediaries between the spirits of the Spirit World and the mortal plane.

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Mordenkai is an old man, with eyes growing cloudy, wispy white hair, and layers of wrinkles on his face. He was found wandering the streets of Sentra by some of Kennick's Solari and was taken to the Giving Hands for help. Once there, he asked to see Meriel Ravenstone.

Mordenkai claims to be several centuries old. He served in the Imperial infantry, but defected before the Battle of Byroad in 873 AE during the The Calamity. During that time, he knew Meriel's ancestor Orien Afar.

Mordenkai, along with his friend Harold, explored old ruins. It was around that time he encountered the Singers. He says that they were voices in his head, like layers of a chorus, that told him what to do. They called him a Listener: they prolonged his life, and gave him supernatural gifts. He does not remember what sort of things he was asked to do, and it doesn't seem that he wants to remember. He never saw the Singers, only heard their voices. He says they have since selected a new Listener, which freed him from their control. He has a sense that the new Listener is somewhere in the city.

It was Orien's magic that allowed him to find Meriel once Mordenkai was free of the Singers.

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Classified as a criminal organization or street gang by imperial authorities, the Chainbreakers see themselves as abolitionists and freedom fighters.  They are led by an old Nezumi who is said to be an escaped slave that wants to lead others to freedom.

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