1. Journals

Affairs of State



Over breakfast we discuss what to do about Saber Khaludz. It is diplomatically difficult to just go down to the undercity to take him down, as Bale is not really Bale anymore, he’s very recognized as Able the Crown Duke. 

We discuss options, considering hiring another mercenary group to collect Khaludz. Codex wants to knock the door down, but he has a lot of hatred for Khaludz and doesn’t care about the social niceties. 

We table the discussion for now.  There’s a lot to do today. Bale speaks to Inez Jendryg about the position of Ambassador to the Dwarven Kingdom of the Northern Mountains. She accepts, and will prepare for the process of moving. Bale still needs to meet with the Thane first. 

Bale then speaks to his brother Pyrrhos, meeting Jacquette in the hallway of Pyrrhos’ mansion. Jacquette will be officially presented to the Kingdom tomorrow, and is preparing. 

The two brothers meet, Bale hands over his wife Lucinda’s jewelry, which he treasures. He will ask Jacquette if she wants to keep them. They talk a bit about the position of Castellan, now officially granted.  

We teleport a group of servants out to Deseragar to get them to store all the flatware. Then we teleport them back. They are all amazed to see this empty, silent town.  

We then stone shape the final door for the extradimensional space in the Summit, next to the extradimensional space. We then contact Yadirra, meet her in Southspire, and get her to the Summit. She enchants the door, and takes her leave.  

We now have the Tower, the Summit, and Bale’s mansion connected to the space. We proceed to take furniture and plants from Deseragar and put them into the Extradimensional space, which we call “Sanctuary”.