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The tower is the headquarters of the Office of Biology part of the Order of the Natural Sciences. The tower is a source of immense knowledge and as such is heavily guarded and entrance to the tower highly restricted. 

Every entrant will undergo an eye-scan before being admitted past the lobby of the tower. The towers lower floors houses the student accommodation. Above those are the large lecture halls and training labs of the office. 


Above the lecture halls, classrooms and training labs are the start of the professional laboratories staffed and operated by fully trained members of the Office of Biology. The first of these are the labs dedicated to the study of the plants of the kingdom. These are called the Green Labs. These labs have plants growing all over them and are jokingly referred to by some officers as 'the jungle'. 


Next are the labs that study the animals of The Kingdom. These labs are noisy and smelly with a riotous atmosphere. They are called the 'Brown Labs' but are nicknamed the 'Farmyard'.


There are even rumoured to be gigantic aquarium up there where the Office is said to have imprisoned several monsters of the deep for study. These sea monsters are said to be fearsome to behold. 


The labs on the highest floors are dedicated to the study of human biology. They are one of the most heavily guarded locations in the citadel. It is from here that the king gets his incredible life extension technology, provided only to him and certain members of his family. The prize of eternal life has inspired several raids all of which have been foiled before they ascended the lower floors. 
