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For the Shōgun's Head



A game set in feudal Japan, when the Daimyo, great men and families with ambition rise up to rival the Shōgun.

This uses the rules Blood & Honor, by John Wick as a base. 掟 Rules for the Shōgun's Head

The primary source of historical information is taken from a hand-printed map of the late-Edo period 奥羽州 Ōushū, supplemented by other sources online. This information is used as a starting point to create an alternate Japan that never saw the arrival of Perry and subsequent 幕末 Bakumatsu and westernisation. "But after 200 years of Tokugawa rule, tensions rise. Another 下剋上 Gekokujō is on the horizon."

Each player is encouraged to create a Samurai character and their family descendants of a historical clan. My hopes are that it will become a West Marches style of many interacting clans a cross this alternate Japan.


Created 1 year ago. Last modified 3 weeks ago