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The gnomes are a member species of the Alliance. They hail from ancient subterranean habitats on Dzrrn, a large asteroid. They've colonized more asteroids in their own system and in others. 

Physical Characteristics: Gnomes are small (1.-1.3 m) humanoids with loose, wrinkled skin and large ears. Most gnomes encountered will likely be male, but there is little sexual dimorphism. Gnome clans are seldom made up of more than 100 individuals, though they tend to have close ties with nearby clans. Only few individuals in a clan are capable of breeding at a time, though a female may breed with multiple males. Mating produces an organism the gnomes call a”mother”--essentially an external womb. The mother generates gnome embryos from the genetic material donated from its maternal gnome and all the males she mated with. The female coordinates the mother’s care, but all members of clan take part. The gnomes care for the Mother until it gives birth to its stock of embryos and dies.

Gnomes have castes, as well. Most males (and a few females) are “workers” responsible for the care and maintenance of the habitat. The somewhat taller “managers” are disproportionately female, but still numerically mostly male. They have primary responsibility for the rearing of children, the protection of the clan, negotiation with outsiders, and strategic planning.

Psychological Characteristics: Gnomes are eusocial (like naked mole rats) and divide labor between workers, responsible for the care and maintenance of habitats, and managers, who raise the children, defend the habitat, and interface with outsiders. 

Gnomes are gregarious and inquisitive, but deliberate in their thought process. They seldom act rashly. They have less need for personal space than most humanoids and are prone to depression if forced into situations where they have diminished physical contact with others. Many gnomes suffer from a fear of open spaces, and may experience a panic reaction in these situations. 

Names: Gnomes aren’t given lifelong names at birth, but instead their clan members use descriptors to refer to them. 

These descriptors may change over the course of a gnome’s life. 

They are often four or more syllables long and have been likened to low pitched humming or stomach rumblings. Gnomes are often given nicknames by members of other species they associate with.

Example descriptors: Brrdurmmdrur, Obdommrrmrr, Nggrrtumbora, Mmbuhmmngrr (Double consonants indicate a syllabic form of that sound, e.g. “mm” is “uhmm.”)

Backgrounds: Deck Crew, Politician, Worker (Miner), Soldier.

Classes: Gnomes may be Experts or Warriors, though only manager caste gnomes are likely to be the latter. There are no Psychics among them.

Attributes: Minimum Constitution of 9.