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  1. Organizations

Betin Government

National Government

Ādīsi is the centre of government for The New Republic of Bēti, and as such nearly every major guild is based in the city, including the Person Removal Union. Guilds and government are nearly indistinguishable as the council is made up of nominees from each guild - often the richest or most influential members of the guild in question. Theoretically, each citizen of Bēti has a vote on which nominees progress to the council, but most are contractually obliged to "consign" their vote as part of their guild membership. To qualify as a citizen, one must have worked for a guild for at least five years, including either having been born in Bēti or having lived there for at least three years of their guild membership. As there is a guild for nearly every profession, very few citizens have access to their own vote, known as free voters, for example Qau-dibab-āy'ḥāk-āy'āda. Often however the free vote can heavily determined the makeup of the council with the guilds, especially if the major guilds are not cooperating over filling the council. One does not need to be a Chameleon to vote or be on the council, though very few non-chameleons have actually served, and notably, despite being the most common race across Orth, no Troll has every served as a councillor.

Politcally, Bēti is broadly secular, despite the predominant Dezraeli faith, and follows a policy of armed neutrality. In particular, the PRU acts to remove threats to Bētin sovereignty before invasion occurs, with or without council knowledge or approval. Certain crimes, such as slavery, are dealt with quickly by the PRU, but other crimes are overlooked, especially that which is dealt with within the guilds such as corporate espionage, privateering and theft.

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