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Lingering Injuries Table – Party and Allies and System Shock – Enemies and Monsters

Lingering Injuries

Player Characters/ Allies.

Giving agency to players to choose which limb, or scar appearance where applicable.

  • When the creature takes a critical success hit.
  • When HIT POINTS drop to 0, but the creature isn’t killed outright,
  • When the creature fails a Death Saving Throw by 5, or more.

Roll a d20

1 Lose an eye
2 Lose an arm, or a hand
3 Lose a foot, or a leg
4 Limp
5 Internal Injury
6 Internal Injury
7 Internal Injury
8 Broken Ribs
9 Broken Ribs
10 Broken Ribs
11 Horrible Scar
12 Horrible Scar
13 Horrible Scar
14 Festering Wound
15 Festering Wound
16 Festering Wound
17 Minor Scar
18 Minor Scar
19 Minor Scar
20 Minor Scar

System Shock

NPC Enemies/ Monsters

  • Damage from a single source that is equal, or greater than half of the creature’s Hit Point maximum,
    - The creature must first roll a Constitution Saving Throw 15, to see if it takes the System Shock effect

Roll a d10

1 The creature drops to 0HP
2 The creature drops to 0HP but is stable
3 The creature drops to 0HP but is stable
4 The creature is Stunned until the end of its next turn
5 The creature is Stunned until the end of its next turn
6 The creature can’t take Reactions, and has Disadvantage on Attack Rolls, and Ability Checks until the end of its next turn
7 The creature can’t take Reactions, and has Disadvantage on Attack Rolls, and Ability Checks until the end of its next turn
8 The creature can’t take Reactions until the end of its next turn
9 The creature can’t take Reactions until the end of its next turn
10 The creature can’t take Reactions until the end of its next turn