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Joe Burns 1 week ago
Joe Burns 1 week ago
Joe Burns 1 week ago

Finnomarg is a Black Dragon making it's home in the Il’Feotide. She seized control of the ancient Amer Bazzi Citadel deep in the wetland region and since has manipulated local tribes to maintain a shifting position of authority over lizard folk in the region over the centuries.

Her title “The Deceiver” was bestowed upon her by The Jhalla Bazzi living in the region after styling herself as Bokrug, the primal deity of the Lizardfolk. Those that fall victim to her lies soon become victim of her tyranny, becoming enslaved within the fallen citadel.

Believed to be a descendant of Withnar the Destroyer, a Dragon rumored to have ruled over the region in ancient eras before falling victim to a fungal desease.

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