Alkarnum - Karnnish Branch
  1. Locations

Alkarnum - Karnnish Branch


Arcane Studies and Professionals

Anyone can join Alkarnum for a reasonable fee.

The goal is for it to be free to take lessons until level 3, then you must join the guild and pick a mentor/school of magic to study.

Becoming a mentor reduces the fee.

Thanks to generous gifts, a new wing/tower has been opened, now named the Velbinex Tekalo Wing, as he was given naming rights.


Recently Alkarnum has been investigating the possibility of Freedom of Knowledge.

Currently one must pay a high fee and take entrance examinations to join the guild. The concept of giving base magic knowledge to all was started by Velbinex and Vax.

Recently they began construction of a new wing/tower of the school (naming rights go to Velbinex)

Generous donations from Velbinex and Vax into a new fund have reduced the costs to an affordable sum for all people of Karn. The dream is to provide it all for free.