The Speakers Guild maintains and operates the network of speaking stones and provides Sending ritual services. It also oversees a number of professions tied to the spoken word. The guild trains and licenses barristers, mediators, heralds, interpreters, and other similar professions. Although some of these services overlap with those of House Phiarlan, as a rule the Speakers Guild handles practical matters of communication, while House Phiarlan focuses on artistic endeavors.

Sivis message stations and their speaking stones are the most well-known service of the Speakers Guild, but the guild also oversees a number of professions concerned with the spoken word. The guild licenses barristers, interpreters, mediators, heralds, and similar professions, occasionally overlapping with the spoken arts of House Phiarlan. As a rule, House Sivis handles practical and mundane matters, while artistic endeavors belong to the elves.