A loose confederacy of pirate lords, sea barons, and merchant princes controls the area east of the Hoarfrost Mountains. This strip of the continent’s eastern shore, along with the chain of islands that wraps around the coast and extends north into the Bitter Sea, makes up the region known as the Lhazaar Principalities. Named for the near-mythic explorer who led the humans to Khorvaire some three thousand years ago, the Lhazaar Principalities have always been grouped together—even though the individual princes rarely see themselves as part of a greater whole. (ECG)

Over two dozen princes exist in the Lhazaar Principalities. Some of the smaller islands -- such as Krag and Lastpoint -- are under the dominion of a single prince. The coastline and the larger islands are home to multiple princes, each claiming a port stronghold and the surrounding hamlets and thorps. (DS part 2)

No map records the full number of settlements in the Lhazaar Principalities, and a cartographer attempting to create one would find that many of the isles’ smaller towns and villages would have disappeared before he was finished.

Each of the major islands has at least one port town, typically the seat of power for one of the sea princes. A handful of other settlements have been occupied for long enough to have passed the threshold of permanency, but the residents of those towns come and go with the tides on which they make their living. (ECG)

This loose confederacy of pirate lords, merchant princes, and sea barons holds the northeastern coastline of Khorvaire and the many mist-shrouded islands scattered across it. Recognized as a single allied nation under the Treaty of Thronehold, the principalities are more of a loose alliance. Each island domain has its own values, goals, and feuds with other domains. The Lhazaar are the finest sailors in Khorvaire. During the Last War, they served all nations as privateers and engaged in piracy on the side. When the war ended, they returned to the merchant trade, but pirates still hunt on the open seas.

The Lhazaar value their independence. Here, anyone can rise to captain a ship or even seize a principality. Leadership is earned, not given. Nevertheless, High Prince Ryger ir’Wynarn of Regalport seeks to forge the principalities into a unified force. He has the finest fleet, and his efforts ensured that the principalities gained recognition at Thronehold, after which he awarded himself the title of High Prince. So far, the other princes have rejected his proposals for a stronger union.

Some principalities are devoted to the Blood of Vol and a few favor the Sovereign Host. Beyond these, the Lhazaar show little enthusiasm for religion, though many curse the Devourer when a storm comes.

Interesting Things About the Lhazaar Principalities

  • Rulership of the principalities is so fluid that it’s possible for someone to start the day as a sailor and end it as a prince. A campaign could easily be based around a party of adventurers gaining a principality.
  • The Wind Whisperer principality includes a number of half-elves with the Mark of Storm—foundlings with no tie to House Lyrandar. The Wind Whisperers want to obtain airships by any means necessary.
  • The Lhazaar Principalities have the largest changeling population in Khorvaire. Many of them congregate in the Gray Tide, a domain founded by changelings.

Lhazaar Characters

As you develop a Lhazaar character or NPC, consider the following:

Seafarers and Swashbucklers. Most Lhazaar spend more time at sea than they do on land. Sailor is an appropriate background for any Lhazaar, but you can ask your DM if you can switch a tool proficiency for vehicles (water) proficiency. Lhazaar are flamboyant people with little concern for the law, so charlatan, entertainer, and folk hero are all appropriate backgrounds.

Local Customs. Each principality has its own martial traditions, fashions, and slang. Think about how your choices reflect your principality and work with your DM to develop one that fits your character.

Big Dreams. Whatever their circumstances, the people of the principalities always look to the future. What do you want? To find a forgotten treasure hoard? To command your own ship? To take your place as a prince? Think big and chase your dreams.

Source: Rising from the Last War

A loose confederacy of pirate lords, sea barons, and merchant princes controls the area east of the Hoarfrost Mountains. This strip of the continent’s eastern shore, along with the chain of islands that wraps around the coast and extends north into the Bitter Sea, makes up the region known as the Lhazaar Principalities. Named for the nearmythic explorer who led the humans to Khorvaire some three thousand years ago, the Lhazaar Principalities have always been grouped together—even though the individual princes rarely see themselves as part of a greater whole.

Source: Eberron Campaign Setting

The Lhazaar Principalities is a loose nation of sailors, merchants, privateers, and pirates. It is made up of a number of separate entities, called principalities, each of which has its own ruler, holdings, citizens, and ships. Lhazaarites make their living from the sea, serving other nations as fi shers, merchants, couriers, privateers, and mercenaries.

Source: Player's Guide to Eberron