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Recent History
When the High Elves scattered on the dissolution of Tír, the majority of the Giant race mainly remained in the North unwilling to leave their sheep herds they had overseen for generations. Giants have enjoyed the introduction of cheap Troll and Dwarven made alcohol which is more freely available than the high class Yeti products.
General Description
The largest humanoid race on Orth and the most physically powerful sapient beings on the planet, these massive creatures greatly resemble Elves, but with rounder facial features, less pointed ears, a much bulkier build, hazel eyes and frizzy ginger hair, alongside obviously being almost three times the height on average. The Giants are seen as lumbering and unintelligent, which isn't strictly incorrect as many, but not all of them, can be slightly below the intellectual average, and their immense size does occasionally make them clumsy and uncoordinated as well as making them rather limited in where they can go so they often have to really on smaller helpers for certain tasks. Giants generally stop growing at around 14’ tall but can sometimes reach as tall as 20’, though this extreme height has very detrimental effects to the individual and usually leads to a shortened lifespan as their organs find it hard to produce the extra resources needed, blood vessels collapse under their own internal pressure and the individual's own body weight makes their bones more susceptible to crippling breakage. The infamous Baron-Slayer, Logan Campbell, was noted to be of this extreme height and it has been suggested by some that his nature as a Paladin for much of his adult life kept him from succumbing to the effects of his size as quickly. 
Hair and Beards
Giants take their hair very seriously, which can be somewhat amusing for those not familiar with their culture. The men will keep their hair at shoulder length, whereas the women will grow theirs as long as practically possible dependent on a number of factors such as their profession or their usual routine. Male Giants always wear beards once they are old enough to grow one, as in Giant culture it is the sign that a boy has become a man. After this point it will usually be kept neatly at chest length. To cut a male Giant's beard if you are not his wife, lover or a woman from his family is one of the biggest dishonours you can do to him.
The Giantish language is another derivative of Sylvan and is very difficult to decipher for those who do not speak it. The syntax makes little sense to a non-native speaker, the sound of the language is very harsh and there are many words that even a Sylvan or Elven speaker would find totally alien. Fortunately, most Giants nowadays know fluent Common as a second language, though they speak with a very thick brogue that can be hard to understand at times. 
The Giants are generally friendly, humble folk of simple pleasures. The race can mainly be found in Tír, where many of them spend the majority of their time up in the hills tending to their sheep. They are a race of hard workers, and love to drink their own Giantish Scrumpy, sing, wrestle, laugh and generally have a good time when the working day is done; drinking especially, as the Giants love their alcohol. Their culture otherwise is largely dictated by a loose set of traditions, many of them centred around their hair and their sheep as well as the importance of the family. One that does stand out though is the traditional dress of the Giants. Often one will find a Giant wearing boiled sheepskin leggings and a kilt in the traditional tartan of their family instead of trousers, sometimes accompanied by a sash matching the kilt. When wearing armour though, they will just wear the sash. Many Giants will also have bright blue tribal tattoos; this is seen as a memorial of bravery and a new one is added every time a Giant does something notable or heroic. The larger the tattoo, the more noble the deed. The Giants also have their own national food, haggis, a large lamb sausage made using the stomach lining of a sheep as a casing which is much, much nicer than it sounds, as well as a dessert named bambrock.
Notoriously Tough
The Giants are legendary for their strength and endurance. Even the smallest of Giants have an incredible amount of compacted muscle mass, allowing them to lift several tons and, combined with their high natural pain tolerance, shrug off injuries which would kill most other creatures without reacting or even slowing down. They are also adapted to be able to breathe at high altitudes, a holdover from their days of living high in the mountains in the centre of the Sea of Green. 
Attention to Detail
Contrary to what their size would suggest, many Giants are actually talented craftsmen. The best stonemasons in the world are all Giants, and their woodworking skills are also in high demand. For people who are over twice the size of most other races, their attention to detail is remarkable. One of the more famous examples is the McHayden family of blacksmiths; Edgar McHayden made the coronation swords of King Virion I among others, his descendent Edmund made the swords of Queen Luciel and King Virion II among others, and Edmund's granddaughter Ephri made the sword of Duke Erwen de'Valice as well as famously crafting a legendary greataxe which she used during her own adventuring days. 

Character Creation Stat Block

+2 Str, +1 Con, -2 Dex

Default Languages: Giantish, Common, Elven (Tiran dialect)

Huge:  -2 AC, +8 to Special Attacks, -8 to Hide

Enormous Strength: Your Carrying Capacity is calculated as if you are a Gargantuan creature.

Gigantic Frame: You take up a square made of four squares of space in combat instead of one.

Clumsy and Stubborn: You have disadvantages to all Dex and Wis checks.

Stone’s Endurance: You can focus yourself to occasionally shrug off damage. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to roll a d12. Subtract the number rolled, plus your Con modifier,  from the damage. You must finish a long rest before you can use this trait again.

Mountain Born: You do not consider rocky terrain as difficult terrain.

Nature’s Ammunition: You can use nearby boulders as thrown weapons. They are considered as a Simple Weapon that you are Proficient in, range 60/240 ft., one target. 3d10 Bludgeoning damage.

Making Do: You can wield two-handed weapons not made for Giants with one hand. You have disadvantage when attacking with a two-handed weapon wielded in such a way.

Brutish Strength: When you roll a 1 on an attack roll using Strength, a Strength ability check or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.