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  1. Characters

Umbra Shor’GoDen

Player (KP)

Umbra Shor’GoDen Was raised in the small village. Had a very normal upbringing. Mom was a seamstress and father was a farmer. He is the oldest of three children. Has a sister that is 3 years younger, and one that is 5 years younger. Shundra and Kulbra. Umbra had wanted to be champion Jouster from a young age. Had a fascination with horses and hoped to one day joust in front of a king. As a young adult was riding his horse when the horse got spooked and bucked Umbra off. Umbra flew into the air and landed on his head and was put into a coma. Umbra remained in the coma for several months. When Umbra woke from the coma, his hearing did not come back right away, it took a couple hours after he had come to. Co-incidentally, a group of minstrels happened to be in a caravan headed to a festival and singing and playing along the way. Their path took them past Umbras village and home where he awoke from his coma. The minstrels happened to be singing a song about someone being sick and getting better. Umbras hearing came back as the minstrels passed and the first word he heard was “healing”. It was purely coincidental but Umbra believed this music was the reason his hearing returning. He now believes there is a song out there to cure every ailment, and chose to become a bard and learn every healing song he could and wants to travel the world healing everyone with song!

Character Sheet on DnD Beyond

The Story

Umbra was hired on by an individual by the name of Calani. The idea behind the hiring was that he would do something for her and she was do something in return. His goal, alongside others, was to investigate a "Shadowy Figure". This lead him to meeting up with the rest of his group in Dyonis. The group set off after undergoing a trial created by Calani and her partner Trick to prove that they would work together and were strong enough. 

He and the others investigated Dyonis park where they were able to grasp onto a lead. This lead brought them to a lowly beggar. Umbra spoke with him and the beggar guided them into an alleyway where they were soon ambushed by Runners. Quickly they were able to take them out and the group found that two of them had Frecia Academy of Magic pins on them and they were able to rescue a small tabaxi child. 

Setting forth to Frecia Academy Umbra and the group had to leave their weapons behind at the front gate. As they entered Umbra's attention was quickly drawn to a group of individuals walking by carrying various types of instruments. He slipped away from the group and followed them to the theater. He watched the group perform and was excited to be able to speak to one of them. He was able to meet with the conductor who happened to be the music teacher. 

As the two were talking the announcement was made to retire to their quarters for a lockdown. She bid him farewell and he was left alone. Before he was able to regroup with the others he was able to hear someone crying. Following the cry, he came across two familiar faces near small hole in the stained glass wall. These were the students he saw dead earlier that day. They appeared normal to him however, they were covering what appeared to be some type of caged cart. He was able to hear the crying of someone before a spell was cast over the cart. They left momentarily allowing Umbra to investigate. Here in the cart he saw people in the cage. One of which was a female Tabaxi potentially the mother of the child he and the others had rescued.

As he was trying to work through the lock, the two runners returned. He managed to undo the lock allowing one of the individuals to escape before a runner was able to quickly slide through and stop the others. Umbra was subdued by the two and was thrown into the cage to be taken away by Tragedonna who came to the scene.