Nothing fills House Jorasco’s coffers as capably as its network of hospitals and healing houses devoted to the treatment of minor diseases and traumas. Using a combination of magic, alchemy, herbalism, and the Heal skill, members of the Healers Guild will treat anyone who can pay for the privilege. Healers Guild facilities can be found in almost any town across Khorvaire.

Most members of the Healers Guild are accomplished at healing but don’t concern themselves overmuch with house politics or the Draconic Prophecy. But because every Jorasco from Baron Ulara on down must devote at least a few days a year to assisting the Healers Guild, PCs convalescing in a guild hospital might come into contact with influential members of House Jorasco.

Source: Eberron Campaign Guide

The Healers Guild operates healing enclaves, hospitals, and way stops across Khorvaire and beyond. All members of the house, from fostered children to dragonmarked heirs, are taught the ways of healing. Herbalism, alchemy, and use of the Heal skill are the foundations of house life and learning, and house members are expected to serve in the guild throughout their careers. Even the house patriarch undertakes a token period of service in a guild hospital each year.

Source: Dragonmarked

All characters that are members of this organization.