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Closing the Loops

Claw Recap

After a day of rest following their exhausting final confrontation with the Ossuate, the Cursebusters decided to head out in order to rescue their compatriots from the hellish rigors of the Tower of Startha. The group began a trek across Atherdale into Midradir, witnessing and attempting to right the damage caused by the Grey Wings in the region following its military occupation. Along the way, the Kel used her magic to clear the influence of the Thousand King from the minds of Lambchop and Merja, and the party had a final confrontation with their longtime nemesis Erigor, killing him a seventh and final time while uttering his true name. He promised to return and hunt the party in 14 years.

The group once again braved the dangers of the tower, heading deep into its depths while rescuing their allies on the way. The former mayor of Reedenford Tunban Fetterly was nowhere to be found, but Eliza Millheart, the Iron, Patras Gritham, and Ohrakk Cinderhand were discovered on the 5th floor. The group rescued Levinus Thansur and Mercesa Hanwin from the 7th floor, and continued down into the dungeon's depths to find Connor Bramblemoon, Tamidilly Rideonvattle, Janis Tannerson, Ayla Raddock, Erdo Elfast, Unknown, and Darrod Lightvane, who had been drained of his magic. The apprehended but very alive Homdal Ighbridge and Anise Taranil were also around, looked after by Connor. As the group congregated, they were soon surrounded by the Unknown, the servants of Unknown that protected the Prison of the Chained Flame and were investigating the rift caused by the Ossuate.

The wardens took the group into custody and eventually transported them to Unknown to honor the treaties between the prison and the Claw of Arali, but sought punishments for the group for their transgressions into their domain. The actions of the party were defended by Unknown, who pointed out that the group only entered the prison to defeat the one who opened the rift in the first place, the Ossuate. As they prevented the awakening of the Thousand King before the wardens even arrived, they should be applauding the actions of the Cursebusters instead. Additionally, Denthranor argued that the prison, as the events had evidenced, was not as impregnable as they claimed, and if the wardens wished for the guild to remain silent about the matter, they should reward them accordingly. Thusly, the party came into more money than any of them had ever seen. The party noticed that Anise and the Right Hand had not been transported to Copperkeep, and wondered what had become of them.

After some time passed, the party eventually returned to Cloverhall and turned their attention to rebuilding Atherdale. The province was in shambles after the destruction in Bucktuck City, the disappearance of the city leaders, the occupations, and the subsequent disbandment of the Grey Wings. Patras kept close ties with the group as he returned to Bucktuck to help rebuild and salvage what was left of the infrastructure, while the party remained in Reedenford to get things up and running again. With multiple positions of power vacated, the party, primarily Lambchop, but their efforts into launching a political campaign for Glutagg, with Merilann as its mastermind. By exploiting multiple loopholes and bylaws present in the founding documents of the Kalhastian Empire, they lawfully began the process to vaunt Glutagg to mayor of Reedenford. By securing the support of the denizens of the Scratchwood, Glutagg brute forced his way into candidacy through the implication of unrest. Additionally, with the support of Patras, more and more of the population came to accept the bullywug. The campaign was so successful that the Bulwark of Utheriath was left with no choice but to grant Glutagg a small position of nobility and allow him jurisdiction over Reedenford, but blocked his further ascension to lord of Atherdale - for now.

Meanwhile, in Erigor's absence, the cannibalistic bandits from the Bitter Valley were emboldened by the lack of protection from the Grey Wings, and began attacking Atherdale. In response, the party drudged up a bitter war between the bandits and the bullywugs of the Muckmeer Swamp, who began breeding to insane populations and waging a terrible conflict in the Bumblycusp.

Lambchop began to conduct guerilla strikes upon the bandits and other ne'er-do-wells as Eye-Man, able to remove and reattach his beloved eye at will with Unknown at his disposal. His legend began to grow as his vigilante justice rocketed him to heroic statuses, with the population of the province coveting the platinum Eye-Man medallions he would leave behind after his "justice", which was occasionally questionable in scope. Despite never covering his face, Lambchop was never even once suspected of being Eye-Man. As a side note, Eye-Man's penchant to wear a cape with the emblem of Batrax led to increased worship of the god of evil in the area.

Later, the dragon Unknown settled in the Dancing Peaks, beginning to rebuild its hoard.

Caedali would later meet with the goblins of the Scratchwood after they requested a parley. The goblins had been left kingless after Cora's departure, and had no way to validate their next leader unless Cora was killed. The most powerful shaman of the goblins reached out to Caedali to help her restore Cora Merrywine's soul to her body and revive her so that she could be killed, restoring the goblin hierarchy. Caedali begrudgingly agreed after witnessing the powers of the shaman, who was capable of a strange, powerful form of Life Alchemy. She worked with the goblins to slowly restore Cora's soul and implant it in its body, which was revived by Kel and immediately killed by the goblin Wrackerfock. Cora was revived yet again, and had a tearful reunion with Connor as a new goblin war raged in the background.

With the time crystal removed from her shoulder, the strange barrier protecting Ilryn from temporal scrying had dissipated, and she would begin to be harassed by the powerful figure Merrick the Mad. Merrick made many attempts on Ilryn's life, but was often stopped by Unknown, who was now also able to see Ilryn. Elleryndel finally introduced herself as Ilryn's mother, who had been waging a war against Merrick for untold times beyond time. At some point, she fell in love with Ilryn's father and had a child with him; however, due to the strange obsessions of Merrick, Elleryndel knew Ilryn would not be safe, so she clouded her from sight with powerful retromancy. Over time, Ilryn was able to slowly catch up with her mother, who tried to guide her wayward daughter on a path of compassion, juxtaposed with Avra's decidedly more violent interests.

As the situation in Atherdale began to stabilize with a new lord elected to guide the populace back to a sense of normalcy, the party began to pursue various personal pursuits.

Merja set out on a journey to rediscover the home of her mentor Pelema, requiring her to uncover powerful magic to restore the memories stolen from her by Soulstitcher. Years later she would finally find Pelema again and continue her training, unlocking the full potential of her magic. Merja was eventually able to destroy the bindings created by Enshansa, and helped her mentor to exit her volcanic prison. She later helped Pelema straighten out her trauma and guilt, using her honorary degree in psychology she received from the College of Buckhold. The two would travel Atavar for many years, undoing the pain that Pelema had wrought so many years ago.

Steve would continue to use Cloverhall as his base of operations, using contracts to fund his research and eventually advancing to the level of Pincer. Despite receiving his own room, Steve still spent most of his time in the guild library, which had become overburdened by the number of books he brought in. He eventually expanded the library into a second wing, and further increased its size using the strange spatial magic he had learned from the Black Book. Much of Steve's spare time, however, was spent undoing the constant harassments of Unknown, who had begun to wantonly utilize chronomancy.

Ilryn would eventually work with Avra to travel to hell in order to retrieve the soul of Unknown, a grueling gauntlet that would take years for her to accomplish. Ilryn would eventually reach the depths of hell, having fought through legions of devils to make it to the unholy crucible, where she released Ayaten's tortured soul and restored her to life. She escaped hell with Ayaten and a number of demons she had freed from the devil prisons, returning the goddess of moss to her lover, Unknown. Ilryn was present as the god Durzick manifested and brokered a peace between Unrirnu and Avra, who was finally released from their prison of mirrors. Due to her efforts, Ilryn was regarded as a close friend of this strange, dysfunctional family of godlike entities, and was often invited to multidimensional, mind-rending gatherings with them.

While Caedali made no further attempts to restore her soul after she no longer believed herself to be cursed, she still wished to reclaim the life stolen from her by Soulstitcher. However, due to the binding contract the group had made with the witch, Caedali was unable to directly harm or attempt to undo Soulstitcher's magic. Caedali would spend years visiting the home of Thandas and Unknown, each time with a new plot to unseat Soulstitcher, who always seemed to be a step ahead. The members of Cloverhall would assist Caedali from time to time in these endeavors, and many became good friends with the Malthyras in time, who were completely oblivious to the circumstances at hand. All the while, Soulstitcher taunted Caedali, attempting to twist her devotions with logical perversions of the truth.

Eventually, Caedali arrived at the cottage one day to find that her body had been vacated by Soulstitcher, left only with a note reading, "I wonder if this will make you happy". With the assistance of Kel, Caedali returned to her body, though Kel was able to tear off the bit of her soul containing Unknown and simultaneously bring her back to life. Caedali found that her body, now fully grown, felt strange and foreign, and was covered in strange tattoos that created a binding ritual with a powerful effect; while in her original body, Caedali would not ever be capable of pursuing Soulstitcher. In the moment, however, Caedali was more concerned with reuniting with her parents, and reclaiming what was stolen from her. While the truth was difficult to hear, Thandas and Yulaeryn accepted and embraced Caedali, and began making up for lost time.

Kel, reunited with her extremely unstable and murderous "girlfriend" Eralta, continued her quest to hook her goddess Patalir up with the goddess Cavaesi, providing the goddess with odd, ridiculous knowledge about being in a relationship by citing her personal experiences. She soon traveled to the Prison of the Chained Flame, where she broke in and freed the tooth expert, and former ally of the Thousand King, Unknown. Falsorren would assist the pair in tracking down the mythical great bag of teeth, which contained a number of powerful teeth that could provide the user with great power if implanted into their own mouths. During the time spent finding the bag, the group would be hounded by the Unknown, who wished to punish the group for their transgressions into their prison. Upon eventually finding the bag, Falsorren attempted to betray Kel and Eralta and use the bag against them, but he was utterly destroyed by the two powerful magic users. Kel was able to offer the bag to Patalir, who attempted to give it to Cavaesi alongside a number of other artifacts related to the goddess of teeth and arousal. Cavaesi, a little weirded out, rejected Patalir, who came "crying" to Kel. In response, Kel used her infinite wisdom of personal relationships to come up with the idea of waging a holy war against Cavaesi's enemies as a show of affection, violently attacking the temples of the god of celibacy. Kel, who had been considered a prophet by many of the Frozen Priesthood, eventually became recognized as a fringe cult leader, but had amassed a significant following regardless. Establishing a massive temple to the south, Kel created a new religion of Patalir based on not knowing what the fuck is going on but thinking you do and fucking everything up. In the end, Kel at the very least could boast that she ended up nothing like her mother.

Ilryn would continue to grow closer to her mother, and would eventually discover that Merrick the Mad was originally Steve 2.

Caedali would continue to undo the legacy of the Coven of Enama, tracking down the surviving witches and utterly destroying them over a number of years. She would eventually write her own volume on witch eradication and curse destruction, uncovering new methods and technologies to defeat them, much to the delight of her goddess Unavaranu. During this time, Caedali would also work with Zevian, who still wished to help her through her curse, even though she no longer believed she had one.

Years later, Merja, Caedali and Pelema would finally agree to destroy the Poison Pits of Levilthan. Having rectified many of the mistakes of her past and after teaching Merja all she knew, Pelema was at peace with the world and ready to end the suffering the Pits had caused. Pelema had grown weak as the Pits no longer had life to fuel them, and did not wish to sacrifice anyone else to it to extend her unnatural life. Her soul was torn from her body by Caedali as she sacrificed herself to the Pits, destroying them and purifying the surrounding land, allowing life to take root once again.

The members of the Cursebusters would occasionally meet to recount their adventures and tell tales of their new exploits, meeting back at Cloverhall and grabbing drinks around Reedenford, still able to enjoy each others' company despite their paths diverging greatly. Lambchop had become a legendary vigilante, Merja was a respected sorcerer and successful author of a series of self-help books, Ilryn had amassed great power and was the ally of powerful gods, Kel created a new religion and led historical crusades, Caedali rooted out great evils and catalogued lost histories, and of course, Steve's studies would eventually lead him to become the dark wizard Unknown and cause untold suffering and chaos, but that's a different story for another time.