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  1. Races
Magical Beast

Flerges, or tree krakens, are the chief residents of Barceliande Forest. They are not considered a threat, except to flowers and small insects, which they eat in great quantities. If threatened, they often flee and chirp madly, swinging from branches and vines to safety. Otherwise, they keep to themselves. 

Due to their diet of stinging insects and poisonous flowers (not to mention Flower Pixie), their meat is poisonous. Centuries ago, Armorcians used to keep them as vermin catching pets. Although they are not very fierce, they can be aloof, and difficult to train even when domesticated.

Threat 1, w-1K (Beak Bite)

Treeswift: Has 3d+1WD in Climbing, and with a successful Climb skill, is able to propel itself 5 feet per width through the air in any direction. Its tentacles are able to extend up to 6 feet. 

Poisonous: Ingesting flerge meat causes poisoning. Intensity 5. Primary effect: Partial palsy of the lower limbs that lingers for a week (move speed reduced to 1, cannot ride mounts). Secondary effect: Migraines (gain 2 S to the Head that do not heal for 2 weeks).