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One of the youngest of Waterdeep's noble Houses, House Adarbrent was once a marvel - in a port city full of merchants, the Adarbrent merchant fleet was second to none, and third only to the Watermen and Guard for sheer size. The Adarbrents were explorers, first and foremost, and theirs was not just wanderlust. Exploration burned in Adarbrent veins, and they turned those fires into profit as well, offering not just mercantile shipping services but also having a hand in cartography and exploration (both at sea and on land). The first Lord Adarbrent transformed the Adarbrent Shipping Company into House Adarbrent within a single generation, a feat almost unheard of.

The tragedies of the late 1300s and early 1400s devastated the family's fortunes, however, starting with the Deepwater War. The oceanic invasion destroyed a great many Adarbrent fleets, and then the strange circumstances in Maztica ravaged the coffers even more. Entire branches of the family disappeared during these events, as many went down with ships or vanished with the New World, never to be heard from again.