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Elves divide their people into high elves, wood elves, dark elves, and sea elves, and consequently the half-elves or elf-blooded — the product of humans and elves intermingling — can easily be identified as having high, wood, dark, or sea elf descent.

Contrary to what the name might suggest, a half-elf does not necessarily have one human and one elf parent. They simply have both traits in their lineage. Similarly, their names follow both human and elf traditions.

The subraces of half-elves, or elf-blooded, are also known as high-blooded, wood-blooded, drow-blooded, and sea-blooded. Half-elves typically favor Thrizur, the patron of outcasts, but many wood- or sea-blooded favor Draconiz like their wood elf or sea elf ancestors, many dark-blooded favor Veil like their dark elf ancestors, and many high-blooded favor Emissary like their high elf ancestors.