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Session 59: No Pants Brigade

The story so far 2022-12-03

In the aftermath of the battle with the cultists of the Gallivanter, the party met up with the other strange-looking characters who had been fighting their own fight a hairsbreadth away. They spoke on the cause of the attack, with Mordus explaining some details about his situation and that he was being hunted by the cultists of his patron. They also learned of this group, the Drakewagon; consisting of Whitesand the caithuna, Sareek the female half-orc, Bludge the male half-orc, and Fitch the male human. Also heading to Big Hamlet, they were confused but not necessarily perturbed, and so the group agreed that they would not stop them traveling with them although not exactly enthusiastic about the idea.

The groups then made camp after traveling for a few hours in an attempt to avoid any potential danger brought by the battlefield. Draz and Mordus went and hunted a deer, whilst Arkorow foraged for supplies. Meanwhile, Devinn was left back at camp, continuing to study and making notes in his journal. Arkorow mingled with the other group, as Devinn and Draz attempted to cleanse his "possession" to little effect. All whilst Mordus slept.

The next day they awoke, the groups beginning their travel to Big Hamlet, traveling for a few days before arriving at the city. They saw the large school of arcane study in the distance as well as the joyous streets of the city, the Drakewagon brought the group to the Stranded Casino, which seemed rather strange as they charged 5 gold per night, 1 gold for an hour of unlimited alcohol but also seemed to lack any sort of room management. It was here the party noticed some old friends, Kaimus and Maspira, with Kaimus already very drunk.

Mordus and Draz then both got equally drunk with them both ending up sleeping with members of the Drakewagon. Mordus returned in nothing but golden underpants covered in scratches and a note tucked into his pants, that Kaimus read and asked, "Who is Whitesand?" Draz later then woke in a room in the casino, surrounded by Sareek and Bludge. He saw Sareek arguing with Rosemeadow who looked rather annoyed at him.

Mordus then went back to drinking and got into a game of poker turned strip poker. Mordus ends up winning the game whilst drunk, earning a hefty reward as well as making off with his opponents' clothes. The party then eventually reunited and began to look around for a new tavern to spend their time in Big Hamlet in, preferably somewhere near the Arcane School of Learning that Arkorow, Draz, and Devinn all wished to visit.