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Session 23: Dead Kyly

The story so far 2021-09-04

After stopping the disease in the District of Commoners, the party talked to Vys Don-Kilis (who was more than happy to finally kick out the Goldcloaks), and Dorodash Belogall, the reporter from the Capital Times, who showed them the most recent issue of the Capital Times featuring their "heroic deeds" with the "undead dragon." They also talked to a blue dragonborn man named Gearthec of the Clanless, a member of the Ordus Arcanum. Devinn told him all that's been going on, and also told him all he knew about Thia Valkas' whereabouts. In thanks, Devinn was given a special ring by Gearthec.

They then went back into the apartment of Briar Citywall to see what else could be found, and they looted a box of fishing tackle, two nets, and a pair of leather wading boots. There was also a scratched up photograph of a caithuna man (probably Briar) in front of a fishing vessel; on the back was written "Rides-On-Waves, may she rest in peace", and in a dresser, they found his diary, but they did not open it.

On the 2nd of Suntide, Mordus sent some letters; one to Kassandra Silverstone Trollbane, one to Pertoir d'Juglar, and one to Merry Goodberry in Gate of the Clanless. He then went to Capital Times, accompanied by Arkorow. Searching the archives for past naval tragedies, they found out several bodies had washed up on the southern shore, the bodies were taken to Capital, but were never identified.

Mordus then went to the Veilmanor, where he helped Vys Don-Kilis identify six members of his former crew of the Kyly; Davrin, Dove, Ylia, Valya, Kurk, and Cloud. With thanks, he received their personal items (Dove's symbol of Thrizur, Cloud's ridiculous belt, and Georgy, Kurk's pet).

Very sad, he talked with Zephyr back at Bruce & Jimmy's, where Zephyr revealed he was a member of a guild called the Red Blossoms, and if Zephyr gets back in good standing with them they might be useful in finding out more information about anyone still missing from the crew of the Kyly.

Going off drinking, Mordus meanwhile woke up in his bed with a tattoo of Draconiz' holy symbol on his left ass cheek. Devinn finished decoding the letter from Thia Valkas.

Waking up on the 3rd, Devinn shared the contents of the letter with the rest of the group, they went off to pick up their items, bought gems at Cat's Eye where they met Rufus the store clerk, they bought some more books at Speaks Volumes, and they picked up all their custom items at Ellen's Luscious Garments and Brawnshield Armour Stocks.

The party was now headed to Kane, Boole & Smidt.