1. Notes

Book of Jör


Long ago it is said that the gods shaped Lae'vi under the command of Jör, their progenitor. Described usually as the Ancient, a better term for hir would likely be the Primaeval. Mentions of Jör can be found across all annals of history, with not a single culture failing to acknowledge hirs impact. Notably, the oldest supposed accounts can be found in one collection of written texts: the Book of Jör.

The Book of Jör has been interpreted in many different ways over the centuries, but few living have typically held much stock in the wild theories, that hidden within cryptic ciphers across its pages are instructions on how to navigate not just the three known cruxes of this earthly plane, but of others both astral and material in nature too. Spheres beyond imagination, where chaos and destruction by its inhabitants are not the only intent is a hope serving very few at present. Nevertheless, certainly not every dimension or domain can be as malicious as Arculm, Tykra, and the Void? Through the diehard conviction of the fervent, more and more are beginning to consider these suppositions.

However, these war-torn lands are not the only locale to include references to this empyreal being, with journeys across all of Viatoris there have been found to be footnotes, mistranslations, and easily overlooked tributes to their majesty and influence. None would be remiss not to notice though, especially since most would believe the worlds of the cosmos to be disconnected from one another, whether this is truly the case or not.

Portals are rumoured to be concealed in plain sight, only accessible by those consecrated in the fires of creation, and then struck down by the bolts of fate. The Plane-touched possess a power unrealised. A potential that would quite literally open the door to salvation. One such individual that seemingly fits this criteria is Lord Val Trujukom. Gifted with an unnaturally long lasting life for hirs kind, perhaps ze was chosen for greater ambitions than just hirs current ardent purpose of championing the Arbiters in safeguarding all that lives. It has been told in tales that Val was there when the Angelfire rained down, yet whilst most of their kin was devastated by the destruction, ze instead awoke with renewed purpose and capabilities indistinguishable from the gods themselves.

Recently, through the help of a mysterious scholar, some of the archaic cryptographs strewn over the scriptures have been decoded in part. The exact contents of what is written in full from these messages remains unknown, but allusions to the city of Drohlm being akin to one of the “Pillars of Genesis” are incorporated, along with an obscure agreement or unifying amalgamation of several entities under the veiled “Accord of the Seven”.

Time will surely tell more of the secrets held inside its passages, and what these discoveries truly mean. A phrase shared by all the peoples of this tumultuous realm is one that could not be more apt than in relation to this: “ages future reflect ages gone by, lest we forget our fate, we will not live to remember our destiny”.