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Apocalypse Event Envy

Procedure outline

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Event ENVY is a probable, and near-inevitable, occurrence of one Outsider - or multiple, not that it matters - entering our reality. While they can exert influence they cannot come into our reality in a physical form without intervention from our side. As such they often influence and infect humans (and other sapient, but humans are found to be the most susceptible) in order to have so much as a hole in our reality poked open so that they can tear through.


Outsider have the capacity to exert influence across all realities. They exist outside of all known realities simultaneously. See their file for more detail.

The most common form is the simple ritual. A cult is formed around these ideas and with something promised members will perform rites in order to poke a hole in our reality. As far as summoning methods go these are easy to prevent. We know the Ley Lines and can monitor along them with a fair amount of consistency and accuracy. Erratic and sudden shifts in behavior can be seen and reported. There's usually enough of a buffer time where we can intervene and deprogram. Often times these cults are formed by individuals who feel lost and like their lives are out of control; while their actions are harmful they are frequently misguided not malicious.

Of all methods the most dangerous is the Memetic Infection. Only the strongest of the Outsiders can manage this but they turn the very concept of thoughts and ideas into an infectious virus. It may lead to above: the creation of a cult with more more malicious intent. However, the worst form of all would be a memetic infection that creates a biologic neural network that itself is powerful enough to cause a breach by sheer thought alone. 




All agents and employees will be offered any means of self-termination that the DNM can provide.

We will commission for the United States of America to launch as many nuclear missiles as they can, anywhere they can. We'll hope this will cause a chain reaction and end in the destruction of as much of the world as it can. The suffering it will cause is unimaginable... but the alternative is worse.

This is the end of all things.