1. Notes

Burial Practices



A Kaduir mummy, mummification is one of the most common burial practices in the world

Across the world, multiple burial practices are observed. 


Mummification is one of the most common burial practices in the world, most prevalent in Yekare

In many parts of Yekare, the deceased is mummified after death by priests of Karad-Dun due to a belief that only a mummified corpse may reach the Halls of Karad-Dun. Bodies are wrapped in linens and topped with a portrait of the deceased's likeness.



Nemishite papyrus scroll depicting the Opening of the Mouth Ceremony for a deceased Pharaoh


Depiction of the Opening of the Mouth Ceremony


Nemishite art depicting the funeral of Pharaoh Sirdahorush III

The Nemishites have complex and storied burial traditions that are unlike any others seen in Yekare